Episode 3: Meeting a Chameleon Hero

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[William narrating]

William:"sup peeps, I'm William... Previously of what happened a portal transported me into a different world also known as Tokuro's universe.... Or Lucky, as he calls himself"

William:"anyway. he told me of how his world is about to be invaded by a Dark force name Jark Matter and said that only the kyurangers can stop them"

William:"I agreed to come with him and now we're on a journey to find more Rangers for the team.... Good luck I guess"

[Narration end]

{3rd POV}

Tokuro, William and Karma were walking on the sidewalk while looking a little tired.

William:(tired)"UGH! This is hopeless! We've been going town to town for three days and didn't find any new members in our team!!!"

Karma:"I understand what you mean, but we can't just give up. Brother, have any ideas?"

Tokuro:".... I do actually"

William:"and what's that?"

Tokuro:"..... observe" he walks in a random direction while Karma and William looks at him.

Tokuro:"excuse me sir!" He called a random stranger and he walked up to him.

Tokuro:"sorry to bother you, but do you have something like this?" As he showed him his kyutama.

Stranger:"no not really sorry"

Tokuro:"oh that's fine, enjoy your day" and he went back to the others.

William:".....so we have to randomly asked people if they have a kyutama?"


William looks at him blankly and slaps his forehead.

William looks at him blankly and slaps his forehead

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William:"ugh, can't get you get anymore stupider?"

Karma:"Hey! Don't talk to my brother like that!" And he kicks William's shin.

William:"Ow! You little shit!" He went to beat him up until Tokuro stops him.

Tokuro:"okay stop!" William was silent but he did what he said.

Tokuro:"alright William, I'm sorry for that bad example. I was just trying to lighten the mood"

William:"well it isn't working!"

Tokuro:"I can see that now...... How about we go get some ice cream to cheer us up?"


William:".....what is ice cream?" Tokuro and Karma gasped at what William just said.


[Opening time]

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