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Sarv was in mass amounts of pain, delivering a baby was definitely not fun. Ruv let her squeeze his hand, a nurse wipes sweat off her head, "Come on Sarv you can do it!" She only groaned in pain cursing in French, and Russian. She struggled to push again, "Sarv come on!! Push!" Soon the pain subsided, and the doctor looked down. "Congratulations! It's a boy!" A few hours later and momma is holding baby, "He is just adorable.... what should we name him, Ruv?" Ruv looked down at the "fluff ball" in her hands, "What do you think?" Sarv looked up to him, "Selever.... Selever, Ruvyzvatov, Morningstar..."

Sarv was sitting on the couch next to Ruv, Sel who was three sat between them watching the black and white cartoons, Sel asked, "Why is momma's stomach so big?" Sarv and Ruv look down in surprise, and smile, Sarv talks in a sing song like voice, "Well Selever, that's your sister!" Sel looked up, "My sistor??" Ruv spoke, "Yeaah! Your sister!" Sel looked at Sarv's belly, "My sistor is in there?" Sarv answered, "Yeaah!!" Sel looked back up at her, "That's weiwed... hope she be fine..." Sarv and Ruv look at each other and smile.

Sarv was dealing with a one year old Ras, and a four year old Sel. It was stressful, Ruv tried his best to keep Sel in check but he kept making fun of his accent, in a really bad imitation of a Russian accent Sel spoke, "Oh give your mother a break, go to your room!" He giggled, Ruv growled in frustration, but Sarv who was cradling baby Rasazy, who had a horn, takes to Ruv, "Shhh, honey calm down. He's four years old, he doesn't know any better." Ruv looked and nodded understandingly, Ruv talked to Sel "Sel, please don't imitate daddy's accent. If you do I'll give you popsicle!" Sel looked excited, "Popsicle!?!?" Ruv answered in a sing song voice, "Yes popsicle!" Sel responded, "Yaaay!!"

Sel was now 17, Ras was 14. Sarv looked upon them proud, Ras was reading lounged on a chair in the living room while Sel did god knows what outside, "So, Ras What are you reading??" Ras looked up from her book, "The Soviet Union of WW2, I wanna know what daddy did!" Sarv looked grim, "Your father.... killed... he was a soldier.... tough at that, but a soldier...." Ras states for a bit pondering, "Oh..... that's cool!! Thanks mom!!!" Sarv smiles, "You're Welcome, Rasazy."

Sel was now 20, Ras was 17, Sel went to check the mailbox and found a letter to him, Sarv and Ruv read it with him, their faces turned grim, he was being called to draft.... draft for Vietnam.... he packed some stuff and left.... saddened And afraid. He knew it would be hell...

The War Far From Home... - WW2 AU sequelWhere stories live. Discover now