Chapter 16: Small Hope

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It had seemed like decades when another letter came in the mail, it wasn't for Ruv at all, and Sarv had opened it up, it was about her internship for a nurse. She read through to little buddy little, "To Mrs. Morningstar, We have been watching over your application for sometime now. It seems that interviewing our doctors who have worked with you confirmed your knowledge of the medical field. We are willing to hire you as a nurse for an annual salary, we request an interview on your behalf.
Our best regards, Maronstreet Hospital."

She was thrilled, more than thrilled, that day she had been talking to Ruv, and comforting him. He was as happy as she was, he always sprinkled her with live, but now she was the one sprinkling him. It seemed like every minute she left a kiss on his cheek, "You really are happy are you?" He asked, she thrillingly responded, "Yes yes yes!!! Of course I am! I have one of the jobs I have always wanted!!! I'm so happy for not just that, but for us!" Speaking of "us" Ruv thought about their upcoming anniversary. He knew that he should treat her to something nice, plus it was the last big event before their daughter left home. It was something for him to look forward to.

For the first time in a while Rasazy was smiling, she was just as happy about the news. "Mama, Congratulations!" Sel smiled in the back, "Come on Sel!! Join us in a hug!" Sarv was excitedly trying to get the group to hug, and now they felt like a family again, Sel came in to pile in with them. The darkness began to rise, and eventually after they played some cards it was bedtime, and they had all tired out. Sarv crashed down on the couch, and Ruv with her, Ras headed up the stairs lit with an upper window, she stopped to look at them. "Good night mama, papa. I'll be gone soon, and make you both proud." She continued up the stairs that darkened as she got up, and soon the house fell silent.

Sarv got up early for her interview, she got into her old nurse uniform. "How do I look!?" She stared to Ruv who looked over her intently, "Just as good as all that time ago." She smiled and blushed, "Thank you Ruv, I love you!" He nodded and smiled without pain, "I love you too. Now go fulfill your dreams." She nodded confidently, and left for her interview. The hospital was about the same, and even so the situation changed it's setting. It was almost stressful, and Sarv tried her best to stay as calm as she could. She reached the receptionists desk, "Good morning! I'm here for an interview!" Sarv said as clear as possible, the receptionist looked up, and pointed to a room, "Head in there, they'll talk to you in a bit." She hesitantly moved to the room, the door was wooden, and the inside of the room was the same blue painted wall as in the waiting area, there was a desk with two chairs across from each other. The desk was filled with things such as a paper holder, and a small globe, she fidgeted a little with the globe while she waited. While she messed with the globe the door startled her and she immediately pulls away from it causing it to spin quickly, a man with a suit, mustache, and a briefcase walked in. The man sat down in the chair in front of her and opened up the briefcase taking out some papers and files. "First and last name?" They ask, Sarv hesitated, but finally stuttered her name, "Sarvente, Morningstar!" The interviewer wrote something down, they looked up again, "Do you have any medical experience?" They had asked, it was a strange question since it was obvious she did, but she answered anyway, "Yes I do!" They wrote some more, and the questions continued, Sarv's anxiety increased. "How many years of experience do you have?" Sarv came up with an answer, she had now known that she wasn't gonna age anymore so she had to think of a compromise, "5 years!" The interviewer flung another question her way not stopping to write, "Is it wartime experience or professional experience?" She confidently answered this one, "Wartime experience!" The interviewer wrote what they had learned so far, "Do you have any personal or impersonal experience of pregnancy, and the care of children?" Sarv was confused, but she went with her guy, "Yes I have!" The man didn't stop, "Is the experience personal, as in you have been pregnant yourself?" A slight discomfort befallen her, why would they need to know that? "Y-yes, it is personal experience!" More writing, "Have you or have you not taken your vow to save?" The question calmed her, in which she assumed that the weirder questions are done. This was something she knew for sure she had done "Yes sir." The interviewer wrote again. "Do you accept our terms of duty before yourself?" Sarv answered the final question in the most confident way possible. "Yes, I do and always will!" The interviewer wrote the last agonizing piece, and looked up to Sarv. "Welcome aboard!" They reached out their hand, and Sarv shook it. She was thrilled about what she had accomplished, she was finally a true nurse!

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