Chapter 13: Inferno

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It had seemed like a normal day as always, a demon was walking with her children. 21, an almost 18. It was summer, and Ras was planning for college but every once and a while Sarv and her children went on walks to get the fresh air, it was refreshing and they talked and played and did things. Life was enjoyable now, she was proud of her children even if one lived at home. However he did do work, life could have been more enjoyable if it weren't for the people who harassed them all about how her son fought the Vietnam war. "Is that road killer still breathing. Lucky bastard!!! Hahaha!!!" Another person began to heckle, "You are taking care of the shame of a kid. I'm surprised he still lives with his parents!!" They mock him, "Oh mommy I'm scared of the real world!! Can I stay with you guys for eternity?!" They didn't know but it would be eternal, they were all cursed to be alive forever... they had found out where Ruv worked too, luckily the foreman liked them just as much as Sarv did, they hated them and would keep them all away from  his workers wether or not  they had family in the Vietnam war or not.

It would have been so much better for Ruv, he grabbed the piece of a wheel, stuck under a machine and compressed it into the more circular shape that was necessary. People were outside shouting at him, some of them were taken by security for taking rocks and throwing them. If it weren't for the foreman keeping them away most of these workers would be unable to do their jobs with trespassers coming in, Ruv took the next piece, his family had become demons of which terrified him however, Sarv was simply more cuddly and affectionate towards him. She stayed the rational young woman she had always been, kind, caring, and helping towards others. The smell of smoke was a normal smell in the factory, it almost smelled as if there were more.

The family was just finishing their walk, fire slowly rises from the factory, assumed to be from the smoke stacks Sarv thought nothing of it. That was until screams and an  alarm sounded, the family rushed towards the factory as fast as possible. The screams grew louder as Sarv yelled to someone running out, "My husband, Ruvyzvat!! Where is he?!?!" The person yelled back, "He is still in there!" Sarv braced her mouth, she had to go in. Sel watched as she started to run, "Mama no!!" She didn't stop.

The inside was scalding, The inferno grew up the stairs where Ruv was, he yelled down his accent very loud, "I need help damn it!!" Sarv ran up the stairs quickly, "Sarv!? What are you doing you need to go!!!" She yelled back to Ruv, "No time!!" She took Ruv's hand and pulled him pit the way as debris lands where he was, the stair gave and Sarv had one idea, "We have to jump!" Ruv looked over like she was crazy, "You're crazy!!" Sarv didn't argue and got them positioned, Ruv was terrified, "Alright!!" They jumped, Ruv got severely injured and Sarv went over him, "Ruv!?!? Ruv!! Damn it I'm so sorry!!" They were now trapped between flames, Sarv's body began to change as she brought Ruv into her arms, the fire moved closer and closer then suddenly it all pushed back a magenta tint, Sarv soared to the roof and the fire all exploded around them.

Their landing spot was a hill, nobody was around luckily as she transformed back. "Ruv! No no!!" Sel and Ras saw them and rushed to their side, "Papa!! Please be alright!!" An ambulance arrived, there was no time to complain.

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