Chapter 17: Demonic Hospitality

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It had been a few weeks, the place smelled of cleaning supplies, it was Sarv's 10th day on the job, and she been proving her worth to the hospital. Earlier that week several patients were coming in reporting sick, all of the same thing. This had been becoming a recent issue, and people had been coming in all over the county with the same symptoms. She had been talking with her new friends from work, Ella, and Mochi, "this sickness is spreading quickly all over. You wonder what it is?" Ella responded, "It could be the flu, we had been getting cases recently." That hit her, she knew the flu was dangerous, although it had vaccines, but to her thought she couldn't remember the last time her family had gotten a shot... "I'd hope it is something less severe, but it could always be something worse." Ella had just shook her head, and stopped talking, the situation was already stressful enough, speculation was only making it harder. Mochi was about to speak when, "We have a code blue! Room 245" Mochi jumped up and ran for the room. Sarv was now left to finish up with her remaining patients.

After a few rooms she entered her last room of the day, 145. There lay a child, sick, and bedridden. It looked over to her, she was broken, and she tried to do her job as quickly as possible. When she noticed the child in almost tears she couldn't help herself, despite her training she decided to try and comfort it, "Shhh, it's gonna be ok..." but the child only looked at her, and by motherly thought she put her gloved hand onto their shoulder. The child looked up, and then slept. She left their side.
Although Sarvente's passion left a scar of their face on her, and she knew that if they couldn't figure out what this sickness was, many would die... she wiped her face of sweat.

Ruv lay on that dusty couch, waiting. The olden antennae TV flashed and moved with color. The room was ok, dusty, a little worn out, but it worked. Will I be able to get a job? How will I get used to having one eye? How will my family live on? These were some of the thoughts on his mind, and they did good at intruding. His wife walked into the room, had he noticed, and she sat down next to him, still in her uniform. "Home from work? How was it?" Sarv sat silently watching the TV, "It was... good... I guess."  He could tell the pain in her voice, she was strong as he thought, knew how to deal with this stuff, but something held her mind, and he knew it was something that would stick with her. "Are you sure? You seem pained..." Sarv now alert about it, she tried to her best to sound as calm as she could, "As I said. It was good..." he gave up, and headed to bed, and Sarv sat to think some more, but even that wasn't smooth sailing.

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