Chapter 14: Hope

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Ruv was in the hospital, Sarv sat in the couch crying her children were terrified at the midst of their father who was not in the best condition. Ras tried comforting Sarv, She continued, "Why did this happen??" Sel tried all he could but the situation was too much, he left to check on his father himself.

The grass was green, hell the greenest green. It was at the hospital, they always make the grass as green and beautiful as possible, but now approaching the door the  green disappeared and now was the sleek white and blue of a hospital waiting room, The receptionist noticed Sel coming and greeted him, "Hey my dad is in room 382, can I go see him?" The receptionist rang a doctor, "Some kid is coming to Ruvyzvat Morningstar, should we let them in?" "I'm 21..." Sel muttered, the receptionist nodded and a doctor later came to bring him to a room.

It was well lit, cold, and had a medical like smell. His father sat there alive and awake, he looked to his son. "Selever? You came by?" He had a ribbon in place for an eyepatch on his left eye, "Father!!" He hugged him lightly, "What is with the eyepatch? What happened?" He revealed his mangled eye, "I got hit by shrapnel from the explosion... my vision..." he puts the ribbon back on, "A war may not do it in... but this. This will." Sel only looked at how lucky he was to have all his limbs, "I'm sorry dad...." Ruv looked over, "No it's ok..." Sel interrupted, "No! Im sorry for making fun of you! Mocking you about war and everything! Im sorry for making fun of your injuries and pranking you! Im especially sorry for this... If  I couldn't have gone to that war I still would, just so I would know what it was like." Ruv reached up and hugged his son, Sel cried into his embrace, something that would probably happen again.

Sarv had noticed her son was gone and as 'I a mother would she panicked. She looked everywhere searched everywhere, but to no avail. "Now he's gone too... this is all my fault..." Ras felt her mother's sorrow, she couldn't take it, "Momma... don't be sad. It wasn't because of you at all." Sarv's hands were on her forehead and Ras patted her back. She knew not much could be done other than this but she had to try. "Momma please don't be sad." The door creaked open and they looked in attention, Sel walked in a grim expression, "Where were you?" Sarv asked, Sel with his dim expression, "Papa lost an eye..." Sarv's eyes went wide, "My husband? Oh no no...." She had no idea what to expect.

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