Chapter 1: Off to War

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Sel looked back on the porch, his family watched as he left with a briefcase to boot camp, he put the briefcase down and rushed to them hugging all of his family members, "I'll be back soon momma... I promise. Papa, I'll make you proud ok.... and Ras, don't be getting into trouble with mama and papa." He went back to his briefcase, grabbed it, and walked away. The family watched him disappear in the distance.

Sarv was doing her chores, getting dishes done, laundry, and making sure the family was gonna be fine. Ruv was out working without much a choice, Ras was doing homework yet slowly, "mama I need help!" Sarv who was doing some laundry yelled, "Just a minute kiddo!" She finished folding the thing she was folding, set the laundry basket to the side, and went to see what was the matter, Ras watched her approach, "I don't know this math question... nine plus thirty x equals 69." Sarv looks at the paper studying it and figuring it out, finally she speaks, "Okay honey, so all you need to do is take this and do the opposite of its sign, then do that over here. Next divide that and put it over there, there you go Ras that's the answer for x." Ras looks up smiling, "Thanks mama!" She thanks Sarv, "You're Welcome Rasazy." She went back to her chores waiting for her husband to return.

The front door swung open and Ras got up and ran at Ruv hugging him. Sarv came in with a laundry basket and greeted her husband who had just come in, "Hey honey! You mind helping me?" Ruv looked over and agreed, "Yeah sure, give me a bit to get ready." Sarv approaches, "Alright honey." She kissed him on the cheek before going outside to their clothing lines. Ruv headed to their room, while Ras released her grip and went back to homework

Ruv went to the backyard where Sarv was hanging some clothes up, "Sarv, have we gotten letters from Sel yet?" She looked over to him, "Here help me hang these clothes, and no we have not..." Ruv looked at her while he strapped some clothes up, "Do you think he's ok?" Sarv's expression went grim, "I hope so..." Rasazy came out of the house, and ran to Sarv and Ruv who were finishing up the clothes, "Mama, papa, I got a letter from brother!" Sarv and Ruv both say at the same time, "What does it say?!?!" Ras looks up at them hesitant to read, but she does, "It says: To Rasazy, I know that my departure was unexpected due to war, but I want to let you know that I will be back home soon, everything will be alright. please tell mama and papa I love them. Your big brother, Selever." Sarv and Ruv look at each other both saddened by the note, but Sarv looks at Ras, "Don't worry Ras, he will be fine, I'm sure." Ras nodded slowly and sadly then walked away, while she did Sarv was reminded of her growth problems. Ras was short for a 17 year old and it was noticeable when compared to her brother and other classmates, Sarv had heard from the doctors at the day of her birth criticizing on how little developed she was, she had been resting after having been in 35 hours of labor. It wasn't news she wanted to hear at that time. Sarv snapped out of her flashback looking back to Ruv then back to the clothing line to finish her chores.

Ras was finishing up her chores, she remembered her brother and missed him. Sure maybe he was annoying at times, maybe there was times she thought about why he never left home, but she knew she loved him as a brother and wanted the best from him. She finished the  plate she was washing and moved on to the next, she thought about her grades. She was doing really well this year, it was harder than before but she had been getting through as best as possible. Suddenly she snaps out of it after burning her hand when she bumped an elbow on the faucet, "Ouch!" ,She reacted pulling away quickly and studying the burn spot. Her mother rushed in, "Are you ok Rasazy!?!? Let me see!" Ras looked over, "I'm fine mom... it's just a small burn..." Sarv took the burned hand and studied it, she adjusted the faucet's temperature to cold and ran the burn under it, "It should be ok now. Glad you are alright!" Sarv Hugged Ras, Ras looked into her mother's eyes, the overreacting was normal, however she never acted like this before, "Mom? Are you feeling alright?" Sarv looked up, "Why do you say that? Of course I'm alright!" Ras looked concerned, "You don't usually act like this... what's up?" Sarv's expression changed from happy, to regretful and sad, "Alright... it's just I'm worried for your brother's safety... he's never been away for so long." Ras watched her mother's sad eyes, her eyes were almost tearing up, Ras sighed and finally said, "Mom... he's gonna be ok. I promise... now please let me continue my chores." Sarv releases her grasp and uttered, "Sorry..." Sarv started to wander off. Before Ras turned back to the sink to finish her chores she watched her mother walk away, she knew that she felt just about the same way as herself, and she knew that papa probably did too. She had to remember though, 'everything will be alright' she hoped that letter was the truth...

The War Far From Home... - WW2 AU sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang