Chapter 12: Home at last

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Sarv had no clue... but now she knew she had a son, the pain she had felt was the first reminder. Labor wasn't fun... but when she saw her son for the first time, it was enough to make her forget not only the pain, but the horrors of war... it freed her. Ruv kept listening for the door, Marie was just trying to stay positive, she knew that her daughter was now demon, and really she couldn't argue with her. Ras was home from school after a very hard day, her eyes had been changing colors as teachers reported. Ruv started to contemplate his wife's changes, What happened? Why was she suddenly a demon? Sarv had noticed Ruv staring off, "Honey, is something wrong??" Ruv snapped out of it, "I'm just thinking, we are having many issues." Sarv's expression changed and she frowned a little, "Is it.... because I'm a demon?" Ruv of course jumped in not wanting her to feel bad, "No, no! It's just... We have to figure stuff out. We'll get through, just please stay positive." Sarv has been emotional recently so she did start to cry, Ruv did his best to comfort her. Ras was waiting with Marie, it was silent until Ras spoke to break it, "Why did you hurt my mother... you know, when she left for Russia?" Marie shocked by the question sighed, "Well.... our family wanted her to stay..... we all loved her and wanted the best of her. So when she had told us she was going to Russia, we didn't like it. I guess we all overreacted, but still.... we hurt her so bad, basically excluded her from the family.... we never sent her letters.... all her letters were burned.... I guess, she found love without us.... she didn't need us then. Once we heard she was marrying, everybody had envy..... nobody came. We only wonder how lonely they were, I guess not.... she had her husband, and that was all she needed.  it was true love.... but our family never understood it." Ras simply stared and looked back down, she definitely wasn't happy, "Glad to know that the rest of my family act like a bunch of children....  I can't believe you guys." Marie frowned, it wasn't how she wanted her to feel.

A few knocks sounded, and they all rushed to the door. The moment it was opened Selever hugged the first person, it was Ruv, "Hey papa! I missed you..." Sarv joined in the hug, as well as Ras, but Marie, she stayed back. Selever looked over and stared at her thinking, "You must be my grandma," he hugged Marie, "Nice to see you..." Sel had let go, "So what are we doing now? Maybe a family movie night? Or dinner?" Sarv smiles proudly, "We can do a movie night." Ruv looked with his same expression before smiling, "We can do a movie night, and Sel.... I'm proud of you." Sel smiled, Ras looked up at her brother, "Sel! I have learned so much while you were gone!" Sel kneeled down and hugged her, "I missed you sis." He did pinch her cheek, "It looks like you grew!" Ras kind of looked annoyed by the comment but didn't stay like that for long, Sarv interrupted, "So should we get this ready?" Everybody Agreed.


Just so you guys know the book isn't over yet! We still have more chapters so stay tuned!

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