Chapter 9: Reminder of War

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Ruv had seemed a little more scared recently, certain shapes in the snow triggered flashbacks. Some sounds would freeze him, and things on TV caused serious active triggerings. Sarv was stressed out, dealing with chores, a family, and several changes. Ras felt bad after all now she had to leave her mother all alone at home due to school. The air was fresh and cold, the January air was cool, now that Ras was almost 18, she thought of the year, 1972. Her brother had been fighting for sometime, she was planning her college out, and that would mean her parents would be alone. The school wasn't the same, it was chilling at most, but she powered in. The rest of the students inside were talking about their holiday break, Ras payed no attention and headed to her locker, BF and GF approached, "The war has been raging for too long, we had joined some protests against it earlier." Ras only sighed and headed to her class.

Math class was a lot to go through, she had powered through all of the problems, and now was waiting for classes to be over, her thoughts were on her mother. It seems my mother has it the worst, she has to be home with nobody, all alone. She thought more about the changes her mother was going through, strangely enough she had been growing something on her head, she couldn't tell exactly what it was. They had the resemblance of tiny horns, Ras remembered reading about how nuns were cursed after breaking their vows. She remembered one turned into a demon, but she didn't believe that. There was no way her mother was a demon, the horn she remembered that she had was normal right? She couldn't really decide her views.

Sarv was doing her chores as always, she felt her head. The smallest little bumps could be felt, she jumped and dropped the laundry basket she had, her first reaction was to run to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror luring her head down, she could barely see two small little black intentions in her head, horns... it scared her bad, and she faints onto the bathroom floor.

She awoke in a bed, she rubbed her head, something wrapped snuggly around it, she remembered her family but everything else was fuzzy. She felt something warm squeeze her, Ras and Ruv both hugged her, "Sarv you are alright!!" Another voice sounds, "Mama!!!" Sarv uttered the words, "Where am I?? What happened?" An unknown voice answers, "You are at a hospital." As Sarv's vision started to clear she saw who told her, it was doctor white lab coat, Ruv and Ras were next to the bed. She reached out and brushed Ras's hair. "How long have I been here?? And what happened?" Ruv and Ras quickly voiced their thoughts, "We found you on the ground in the bathroom! You hit your head hard!" Ras answered the other question, "Mama you were asleep for almost 2 weeks, we were worried." Ruv was smiling faintly, Ras was crying that she alright. Sarv started to smile faintly, "Heh... when do you think I'll get out of here?" The doctor that was watching answered, "A few more days. we need to do a few checks to make sure you'll be alright." Sarv felt the bandages, the doctor removed her hand from them and shook his finger.

Several exams later and now they were in the car, she had no idea still what had happened, she felt the horns, they had grown more. She just went accept it. She was turning demon, and so were her children...

The War Far From Home... - WW2 AU sequelWhere stories live. Discover now