Chapter 10: Fuzzy

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Sarv's family was there, or at least her mother and sister. Marie went and checked on her as soon as the door opened, "Sarvente, Tu vas bien!" Sarv looked confused as she hugged her, "Yeah mom.... I'm fine.." Marcie, her sister, hugged her, eventually there was a group hug around her a Ras and Ruv joined the hug. They helped her onto the couch, she was a little confused and her memories were fuzzy, her thoughts were hard to understand. Ras asked her, "Did Sel send anything when we weren't there?" Sarv looked in confusion, "Sel?? Who?" Ras's expression dropped into awe, she then gasped. Ruv was shocked, Marie had heard and she almost slapped her, angry that she could have forgotten her own son. Sarv's memory was partially compromised, she has memory of her daughter, of her husband, her mother, her sister, even her brother, but her son was no longer there. Ruv quickly blurted, "Your son!! Don't you remember? I know you do!" She responded confused, "I don't remember having a son... what are you saying?" Ras tried to convince her, "Mama you did! I promise you did!" Nothing was working.

The recent weeks were disappointing, Sarv was a little more clingy to Ruv, she kept saying that memories of war were washing over her, Ruv tried comforting as much as possible. He couldn't seem to convince her she had a son, she was a demon as he had now known. Her mother was staying with them now, if she could find a way to help her she would. They were on the couch as usual, Sarv was wrapping arms around Ruv leaned against him as the TV went on, Ruv had an arm behind her. He sighed, "I wonder what we will do with you... please be alright...." Sarv only stared at the TV, "It keeps happening.... memory? I don't wanna let go Ruvvy... I can feel it." Ruv looked over skeptical, she had said she was feeling some sort of memory going at her mind, but she couldn't view it. Ruv rubbed her back, once again he started to fall asleep, she only pulled him so that he could sleep laying him on the couch since she had noticed him dozing. She slept the same, as he eventually drifted off he had thought that eventually she would get there.

Ras was in a fritz with her mother, she wasn't too different, worrisome for her, but kinda clingy, she didn't wanna bring her head up in class. Her mother wasn't the same, she didn't wanna forget her brother like her mother. It sounded so dreadful, she had hope he was coming home soon. Her teacher went over her, Mrs. Wilson had heard the news, she simply sighed left a note and some paperwork on Ras's desk and went on to lessons. Ras laid down the rest of the school day, thinking of everything  that happened recently.

Sarv had been trying to think,  that letter. Was it true? She had no memories of her son so she couldn't have been certain, another letter arrived and she read it with her family. Apparently it was her son, but still she doubted it, if it was why wasn't he here? The letter had read, "To Mama, Papa, Rasazy,  I have really good news, I'm scheduled to go home. I'll be on my way very soon, just a little more time here. I hope you are well, and when I get back you will be well. From, Selever." Whatever that mean't, she would only believe it if she would see it. Of course it will be very soon.

The War Far From Home... - WW2 AU sequelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum