Chapter 7: An Old Friend

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The weekend would feel normal if it weren't for the fact that there was a week long break for Christmas. Ras was not particularly phased, even if she was the one that loved school she was even relieved for the break she was given. Ruv was tending to the radiator to keep it going, and was helping Sarv clean out the fireplace. Apparently a few people were coming here for Christmas, some family from her mother's side which was a little unusual considering their views on her mother. Sarv spoke strugglingly, "And I'll- ... -just get that- there we go!" She had just cleaned some ash out of the small beginning of the chimney, Ruv was checking the holders, "I think these will hold up the wood. I'll go grab some from outside." Sarv Warned, "Don't Leave the door open too long! It'll get cold in here again!" Ruv had started to walk, "I won't, I'll be in and out."  He slid the sliding glass door open, and stepped out. Ras watched as her mother started to get chills and she went to hand her a blanket. "Oh, thanks Ras." Ras smiled and nodded, she looked out at the snow all over the ground, Ruv came back in with some firewood sliding the glass door closed again. "This should be enough to keep the fire going for a few hours or more." Sarv was intent on him lighting the fire quickly. Ruv walked over to the  fireplace setting the firewood down on the holder and lighting it with a lighter, the fire took a bit to grow but was warming and welcoming. A few knocks at the door turned their attention, Ruv went to answer it.

When the door opened a familiar face showed, it was Teroka, Ruv finally said, "Hey Teroka!" They did a friendly hug. "Uncle Teroka!!" Ras yelled, running to hug him. Teroka crouched down and held out his arms hugging Rasazy, "Hey Rasy! It's me your uncle Teroky! How are you??" Ras answered, "A little under the weather but otherwise I'm great!!" Teroka and Ras both released their grip and Teroka stood to greet Sarv, "Hello Sarv, the big fella treating you good?" He elbowed Ruv, he narrowed his eyes at that, Sarv laughed, "Yeah, he is a sweetheart." Teroka smiled, "That's good. Now I don't mean to take the topic too early but about your son.... is he... good?" Ruv answered as best he could, "He is fine.... he was captured though. Enemy hasn't killed him yet, and now the military knows he was captured after a few recon missions." Teroka frowned for a bit, but quickly musters up a smile and changes the topic, he wraps an arm behind Ruv, "So what will we be making for today's big dinner, buddy??" Ruv couldn't answer but Sarv did, "Oh, we will be making ham! There is also gonna be many other things!" Ruv's attention went to her apron she usually wore when she cooked, it didn't go well with the magenta sweater and black skirt and stockings she wore. He didn't mind it though, he liked her the way she was. Teroka enthusiastically says, "Alright so why don't we get cooking?" Teroka was from Australia originally from what Ras knew, Ruv knew that he had moved to Russia so that he could be closer to Europe. Sarv was preparing the ham for the oven, Teroka was making his well known scalloped potatoes. Ruv was aiding Sarv, and Ras simply read and cooked something through directions. By the time they had finished making dinner another knock sounded at the door, Sarv quickly answered trying to stay happy. It was some of her family, her mother came in the door with her sister, and brother. "Hey there mom. Hello Marcie, J'espère que tu vas bien. Hi there, Ralph." She said somewhat nervously and with a mix of French. Her mother looked at her, "Hello there my dear, Êtes-vous bien?" She spoke with an accents in English that had some French mixed in. Sarv nervously answered, "Oui! I'm good!" Sarv turned back to inform her other family, "Ras you can call her Grandma, or Grand-mére. Ruv dear, you can call her Marie. Teroka I would stick with Marie too." She turned to introduce them, "Mama, Marcie, Ralph, this is my daughter Rasazy." Each waves but Marcie kneeled down holding her hand out, Ras approached and shook it, "You can call me Aunt Marcie, how old are you?" Ras was taken aback by the sudden change in voice, but she answered, "I'm seventeen, you can call me Rasazy." Marcie had a quick reaction to her answer, "Oh my! You are a little small for a seventeen year old!" Ras spoke with a lower tone, "Yeah... just a birth defect...." Marcie frowned, "Oh no..." Sarv continued to introduce them, "This is my dear husband Ruv." Ruv waves awkwardly, and Marie continued, "This is the one you married? Does he treat you well?"   quickly answered, "Oui, mama! I love him so!" Ralph shook hands with Ruv, "You don't seem too bad. I trust that she is happy with you." Sarv turned to Teroka, "This is my husband's friend from the war, Teroka." Every member of her family shook hands with him, the oven rang and Sarv quickly grabbed the ham, food was ready. "Alright choose where you sit! I'll serve food!" Ruv went and helped her sort the food out, and set it on the table.

Everyone was sat down and everyone did prayers before they ate. While they are Teroka told war stories, "While that crazy tank commander in that Tiger called in more allies! I took them all on they didn't stand a chance!" Ruv of course chuckled a bit, "Alright, That seems a little unbelievable, I do remember when you held off those tanks while I rushed Sarv to the field hospital, but I don't recall you destroying all those tanks." Marie didn't allow Teroka to respond, "Wait, you had to rush my daughter to a field hospital?? What happened?!?!" Sarv was gonna speak but Ruv cut her off signaling that he had it, "Well, I was trying to get us to safety at allied lines, while we walked the streets an enemy tank rounded the corner. There was nothing that could have been done, she got hit a lot by the MG guns, and the tank was gonna finish us, but Teroka here saved us. I had to rush her to the field hospital and he covered us, my quick thinking probably saved her life." Ras wasn't listening too much to the conversation she seemed to be zoning out,  Marie continued, "Why did you guys move here? Why America?" Sarv continued for him, "We wanted to start a family..." She looked at Ras who was zoning out, she continued, "America had extreme promise... and well people don't just disappear without a trace here. At least not as much as the USSR..." Marie nodded understandingly. Teroka after some time of silence continued his war stories. Ras finished eating and got permission to leave the table. The first thing she noticed was a letter through the slit, she took it out and read, "To Rasazy, Do not tell mama and papa about this. I plan on breaking out, do not show them this letter please. I don't want them to be worried." The letter was a surprise to her, she hid the letter away.

Sarv and Ruv were now in bed, her family was in a guest bedroom, Sel's old room, and Ras gave up her room and Slept on the couch. Sarv rolled over to Ruv, "You know I remember that story... I guess I still have to thank you." Ruv rolled to look at her, "That was years ago Sarv.... you don't need to thank me..." Sarv still continued, "I guess... but still, thank you. I love you..." Ruv wrapped an arm around her, "I love you too.... good night love..." they had no idea their son had sent a letter...

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