Chapter 18: Diseased Disaster

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The cases were getting worse, Sarv watched another patient, Ms Wilson, who had also recently gotten sick with the unknown disease, doing her normal duties of keeping their room livable, and making sure they are ok. She felt like asking some questions, and forgetting how personal they may be she asked anyway... "When did this happen? Ms Wilson?" The woman looked at her, the feeling of doubt in her elderly eyes shot through Sarv as if the woman could see there wasn't much hope for herself, she closed her eyes, and sighed, her voice was crackly, and rigid, "I showed symptoms, a few days ago at my home... I wish with my grandchildren when I started to sicken, and when I was admitted to the hospital.. I just don't know how I got sick to begin with... I hope the will of god to give me strength... and I hope I'll see my family again..." Sarv's heart felt as if it were being burned away, she too had family, and couldn't think about what she would do if they or herself had gotten sick, "Do you think your family is ok?" Sarv had asked, the melancholic tone she tried to hide, piercing her speech. Ms Wilson, looked up closed her eyes, and said calmly. "I have no doubts of my family's worry... but if it is the will of life to separate me from them, then I only hope they'll have the strength to carry on..." Sarv tapped a cross onto herself, but when she did, it pained her, she was used to this by now. "Well, I have to check on some other patients now. Get some rest." Sarv was about to leave when Ms Wilson stopped her, "Wait!" Sarv stopped in her tracks, and looked back. "You are one of the kindest people here... attentive, and compassionate. I wanted to thank you for your time here... and if my grandchildren come by. Please tell them it'll be alright." Ms. Wilson finished, and turned her head to rest, "Thank you Ms. Wilson, I wish you a quick recovery..." she turned, and left, but the words Wilson uttered made her think of her family, if they got sick, what could she do about it? These thoughts haunted her.

Ruv was out getting groceries. He took some time to think as he moved down the aisles. Why couldn't he work? It was all he wanted to do, but with one eye he was apparently dangerous. How was he any different from the other employees? After all it was one eye. He felt to his eyepatch, it was an older ribbon that they had found in their closet, it had to have been Sarv's in which she had used to keep her hair hidden all that time back. His cart suddenly collided with something, he pulled it back, and looked with fear. It was just a shelf. However an item on the shelf caught his attention. It was a newspaper, and it talked about the Soviet Union, and the hardships of the people living there. It sent chills down his spine, and he questioned what could have happened if Sarv, and himself were to have stayed. He took it off the shelf and continued to follow his shopping list. He had eventually reached the cashier position, and began to set the stuff up there, while he waited he thought about the hospital, and the recent news of the unknown cases. He hoped Sarv would be alright, he knew the stress that was put on her. Soon enough, the items were bagged, and he finally left for home.

Rasazy was studying late last night. She had been trying to keep her grades up for this final quarter, she knew that a scholarship was on the line, and she was determined to get there. Her hand ached of writing, and her eyes heavy of exhaustion. It was the same questions, she was smart, and she knew that, but even now she started to doubt it. She so desperately wanted to achieve what her family could not, she wanted to reach college, but how could she do it? How could I as small as I am, achieve something so big? The same questions over and over, no answers, not even a hint. Her attention turned to the sound of the front door, and then the calm call from her father, "I'm home!" She got up, and headed downstairs. She approached the stairs, and saw her father moving grocery bags inside, she rushed to help. "Hello father..." she uttered tiredly, as she took a bag. Ruv carried some heavy bags in, "Are your grades doing good?" Was the first thing he had asked, Rasazy although she had been studying for so long didn't wanna talk about school right now, but she toughened up. "My grades are good papa... I made sure of it." Ruv placed two of the bags down, "Oh good, I'm proud of you!" Rasazy however barely reacted to it, and quietly spoke, "I know papa, you tell me that all the time..." Ruv had smiled weakly, it was still painful for him, and he started to take things out of the bag one by one and put them away. "You hear about what is happening at mama's job?" He tried to start up the small talk again, Rasazy was unamused, "Yes papa... I have. It's probably the flu..." he was turned away when he spoke again, she couldn't see his reaction. "Well the flu is a killer if you haven't gotten a shot. I can't even remember the last we had been given one." That caught her attention, "Oh... that's... interesting." As they finished up the front door opened again, and Sarv had called out, "I'm home!" Rasazy rushed to the front door, and hugged her mother. It was noticeable how small she was, only reaching to Sarv's belly. "Hey there Rasazy!" Sarv patted her head, "I need to go and get changed now..." Rasazy let go, and greeted her mother once more. Allowing Sarv to head to her and Ruv's room. Ruv stopped in the hall and leaned onto the wall. So just before Sarv finished heading to their room she stopped by his side, "Evening honey." She left a kiss on his cheek. Ruv smiled a little, and watched as she walked into their room, He looked to Rasazy, "She seems happy." Rasazy saw through that smile however, "I feel like she is trying to hide her sorrow. After all what happens at her work isn't something to be happy about..." Ruv's painful smile was gone, to his relief, but also for the worst. "If you wanna come and watch some TV I'll be there." She looked up the stairs, and then back to her father, "Sorry, but I have a lot to do..." she turned to the stairs and went to her room. Ruv answered while she walked away, "Alright, good luck. I believe in you!" Why would he think that way? She thought, it's not like he knows... she sat down at her desk and rubbed her tired eyes.

The War Far From Home... - WW2 AU sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang