Chapter 11: Firey Surprise

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Sarv sat on the couch contemplating, it had been several more days since that last letter. If she had a son that was coming home then she wondered what that would be like. It had never occurred to her, the family she had to take care of seemed to be bigger than what it looks like now. Marie sat down next to her, she had seemed to notice Sarv's quiet contemplation of the situation, there was not much she could do, "I know it seems like a lot, but he is your son. You worked hard to take care of him, and if you don't believe me then realize... I took care of you, for so long." Sarv was not really up for it, but her firey attitude combusted as a wildfire in the coarse dry underbrush would, "You obviously didn't do a good job at it... and I told you I have no son. I left France for a reason." No response, simply a large sigh and a turn away. Ruv heard it all, and he had walked in to try and calm Sarv down, but as strange as it was she lashed out in words again, this time at Ruv, "You.... I don't know why you married me... you shouldn't have. I don't deserve love... I'm just a demon..." Ruv didn't expect that at all, he sat in awe for a while, but then kneeled down at the foot of the couch in front of her and took her ring hand to him facing up, "Sarv... I married you because, you're sweet, kind, and caring. I married you because I loved you, I did because of this defensive attitude... I even did it to protect you, you're beautiful, and loving. I love you." He kisses the area of her hand with her ring to calm her down, "Now please.... be nice, it seems like you don't have a son, but I promise you do. Just stay calm." After she heard the last thing it brought her back to the hospital, it was when she was in labor, but it wasn't Rasazy.... she looked down realizing she was holding a baby, it was fluffy and wrapped snuggly in a blanket. She didn't have time to figure it out when these words were muttered, "What should we name him?" It was her voice, another familiar voice sounded, "Well what do you want to name him?" She heard her voice again, "Selever.... Selever, Ruvyzatov, Morningstar..." she was suddenly back in the war, what is going on? Her head raced, she was in a house?? Ruv looked at her strangely, she blushed unknowingly, but he approached. Was this a church? What is happening? Ruv had said something she didn't hear, her heart raced, and her head spun. She heard herself utter the word, "Yes!" Something else happened, now she was in Ruv's arms. Running from something?? It looked like a demon, she knew this memory it was a Tiger 1 before but now... nothing looked right, everything was racing past and shaking, the "demon" behind was catching up, she looked back at herself. Her body slowly started to glow and change. Her outfit started to fade into some sort of swimsuit as she saw it, her limbs had a black substance at the end of each of them, her heels became bigger and more hoof shaped. A blinding light enveloped everything, and suddenly she was back in the real world.

She was in bed, Ruv was next to her. Whatever happened she must have done stuff without being conscious of it, Ruv rolled over, "Sarv? Did you snap out of it?" She couldn't believe what she had seen, rolling back over to meet Ruv's eyes, "What happened?" Ruv uttered some very unusual news, "You just.... changed.... you looked like a demon, large horns, revealing outfit, your limbs had a blackened substance on them, your eyes.... they were magenta. You were quite mad, but when you saw me you had calmed down, your mother left the room quickly, I don't blame her... that was unexpected. When I had calmed you down we headed to our room, it's been a few hours. Please tell me you are alright!" She got swept in thought, it took her a bit to answer, "I'm fine..." she had questions. What is happening to me? And what did that vision mean? So many questions... so little answers.

Ras sat researching and contemplating, she needed to help her mother and this was how. As she read through there was almost nothing that could be done. Some sort of text caught her eye, "It was a war far from home." Ras despite having no particular memory of the war, saw it. Destruction all round, smoke columns floating calmly in the air like a feather in the wind. Suddenly an entire battle breaks out in front of her, several German units fought Soviet fighters, it was a slaughter. She hid scared wanting to go home, she was here and now she couldn't do anything. Suddenly she looked at her hands, on the left a light blue essence was wishing out, on the right it was magenta. She saw a glow, it seemed to be from her eyes, light blue and magenta. She couldn't take it and yelled out. She awoke on the couch book on top of her, it was now morning and she had to get ready for school. She had no time to figure out what happened to her, there were questions... questions that would be left unanswered....

The War Far From Home... - WW2 AU sequelWhere stories live. Discover now