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Before we begin, I just wanted my lovely readers to be aware of some stuff. First, this book has been in active updates for about a year (cue applause, candy, streamers, etc.) I know the beginning sounds like it was written by an amateur, but I haven't had time to go back and edit it yet. I also know that I didn't exactly hit the nail on the head with character personalities. I need to fix this as well. Please stick with me because those that have aren't disappointed. I promise.

Second, this is the first of a trilogy. (I have it planned. Mushy gushy romances with no plot bore me to tears) This means there are two more books coming after this, as well as a prequel that already has a few chapters out on my profile (The Hawkeye one, if you're interested.) It helps explain the origins of three of my characters more clearly. The official sequel, entitled Into the Heart of Darkness is now in progress as well, and is available on my profile. But then I decided why stop? I started two spinoffs of the series that will play a small role in the plot of Antigone, the second main book which I plan to base off of Age of Ultron. The first spinoff is a Hulk/Iron Man book called Radioactive which spins off of the plot of The Winter Soldier. It explains where Tony and Bruce escaped to after SHIELD fell. The other spinoff is sort of a prequel to X Men: Days of Future Past. I use its plot to outline not only how Wolverine got his adamantium claws back, but also ties up some loose ends of this book regarding Pyro, who as you will find out shares blood with one of the original Avengers, according to me. But I haven't even gotten to the best part yet. The Hulk and X Men fanfictions can be read at any time. If you decide you like this book, you can start reading them before you even finish this one, because they don't spoil the ending even though they take place after it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read them. It would mean the world to me.

I digress.

Third, I based this solely off the movies. I hate changing the original script to work my character in, so I choose to work around the scripts with no alterations of any kind, including characters. Sorry guys, but Kathryn Coulson won't be on the rainbow bridge when Thor destroys it. However, for you guys that are huge geeks like me and actually read comics, there are a few easter eggs like Patricia Hellstrom as the Hellcat. To find the rest, you must read. That's about al I can think of.


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