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When I awoke, my head was still on Hawkeye’s shoulder and he was sleeping soundly. It was good. He needed rest. I looked around the room, but Pyro was missing. Indeed, the sun was beginning to set out across Sydney harbor. I could see it through the window, casting its orange glow about the world. Being careful not to disturb Clint, I rose slowly and quietly, making sure I didn’t jostle him in the slightest. Once up, I crept out of the room and walked to the rec area Tony had mentioned.

I found the rest of the team there, lounging by the side of the pool. “Kathryn!” Jacob said, grinning happily. “Come on in!” He leapt off the diving board and landed in the water with a splash. I took in the sight of his full, hard muscles. When he came up, he shook his blond hair like a dog.

I laughed. It was quite a bit longer than Steve’s. He climbed out of the pool and walked towards me, dripping wet, his hair plastered to his face. “Come here, you!” he growled, pulling me into a very wet hug.

I squealed and tried to get away, but he held me tighter as water seeped through my clothing and made contact with my skin. His cold lips pressed softly to my forehead and he whispered, “I have a surprise for you, kitten.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” he said in a husky voice. “I hope you like it.”

I grinned and kissed him lightly. “I can’t wait.”

At that moment, we were interrupted by Tony, who strode in the door with a peevish air about him and stomped over to the pool. “Everybody out. Fury’s ordered us back to the helicarrier at once.”

“What? Why?” Pyro asked. He was perched in the farthest corner from the water, looking at it in a strange way.

“Because apparently we’re ‘needed’ for some investigation or something,” Tony growled. “It has something to do with Tessa. Selvig found something about her. Last I heard she was in open brain surgery.”

“Brain surgery?” Natasha asked, a look of confusion on her face. “She doesn’t have a brain. Just a lot of blue light.”

“Look, he didn’t tell me the specific details. Just that we had to get back to the boat. I guess it could also have something to do with the fact that we’re two hours late getting back.”

“Two hours?” I asked. “Well, I guess someone better wake up Clint.”

“Shame,” Natasha said. “He gets so little sleep at night.” She winked at Patsy, who giggled. I rolled my eyes. I guess Clint had asked Natasha to keep his nightmares secret. If I were him, I wouldn’t want anyone to know about my nightmares either.

“Put your shirts on and come with me,” Tony said, “although Patsy and Natasha can stay in their bikinis and I wouldn’t complain. I’ve got an excellent speedo upstairs.”

Everyone groaned. “Thanks for the mental picture, dad,” I hissed. “I think I’m going to have to murder myself now.”

Tony laughed and walked away. “Sorry, Kathryn, but I really do have to go and collect the doctor now. Fury sounded like an angry water buffalo on the phone.”

I laughed as Jacob took my hand and walked with me back upstairs so he could change out of his swimming trunks.

“So what did you do in the city all day?” I asked.

“Fed some kangaroos, ate some weird food I’d never heard of before, went shopping…” his voice trailed off and he tickled my side playfully.

“Shopping,” I giggled, slapping his hands away. “Jacob Steele Rogers. Shopping?”

“Yes,” he replied, pulling on a simple, beige v-neck. “I bought you a present.”

Among the Asgardians: The Goddess of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now