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Kathryn's POV

Thor and I talked for hours. We sat cross legged with each other in the glass room until four A.M. Suddenly, my body was seized with terrible pain like nothing else I'd ever felt before. It was different than the pain my visions caused. Different even then the gunshot wound to my shoulder. I felt like I was literally burning alive. But, I couldn't move. I sat straight as an arrow, unable to cry out or let Thor know I was in pain.

When it was over, I decided not to tell anyone what had just happened until I knew for sure. Instead, I faked a yawn. "I think I'm going to bed, Thor," I lied.

"Okay, Kathryn. It was nice to talk to you. We need to do this more often, my sister."

"And we shall," I said as he kissed my hand. Next, I walked out of the room, but instead of going back to my room, I found myself heading down a different area of the helicarrier I had never seen before. Why, I don't know. I just felt it was the right move to make. Turning a corner, I found myself in another residential area off the command room. I stopped outside door F10268. The name on the door read "Rogers" in black letters. Without quite knowing why, I knocked on it.

"What?" said the harsh voice of Jacob. "Oh. It's you." He made a move to close the door, but I put my foot in it and stopped it. He sighed and opened it back up. I got a full look at him. He was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts, and his large, sculpted chest was bare, making it hard to concentrate. I gulped.

"Why are you here?" he asked. "Haven't you done enough?"

"I'm sorry," I said, sighing and stepping into his room. "For everything. I'm sorry for being a bitch earlier when Loki showed up. I'm sorry for sleeping in the same bed as him. But most of all, I'm sorry for crying when you kissed me."

"Why are you telling me this at four in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Nor could I," he admitted, going into the kitchen area of his small apartment-like room. I followed, sitting on his couch. A grunting snore came from a closed door next to the TV.

"Is that..."

"Steve," Jacob finished. "We share a room." He appeared with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"This early in the morning?" I asked.

"Why not?" he grinned, uncorking it. "You need to be more spontaneous. I plan to show you how." The rich, red liquid poured into the glasses like blood. I smiled and took a drink. It was tart, tangy, and very dry, just the way I liked it. And it was also very strong.

Jacob repeated after me, and we sat there in silence for a bit, drinking wine and looking at each other.

I decided to break the silence. "So. I hear Fury gave you your code name the other day."

"Yeah. General Germany. I like it. It gives me some identity. But I like your superhero name better."

"Fidelius? I was honestly thinking about changing it. I just don't think it fits me anymore. I was thinking I would like to be something stronger. More independent."

"How about Antigone?" Jacob asked, refilling my wine glass.

"Who's Antigone?" I asked.

"A character from a play by Sophocles. My tutor read it to me when I was fourteen back in Germany. The character Antigone wasn't afraid to do what she knew was right, even though it meant her death. I see that attitude in you. You're one of the strongest people I've ever met. Including Thor."

"Thanks," I replied. "I'll think about that name." More silence. The wine was so strong it was starting to make my brain go fuzzy.

"Jacob, I'm sorry about earlier. For crying."

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