Do or Die

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Loki's POV

She betrayed me. That was the only thought I could process. I almost killed my own brother for her! I led an attack on the world she now called home by the very creatures she couldn't stand because I made a deal to save her life! And this was how she repaid me. By gallivanting after one who was more handsome than I. One who was stronger than I. And on that hadn't attacked the planet.

No. Jacob had attacked something much more severe than the planet. He had attacked himself. The boy had attempted to strip the very flesh from his body. His sacrifice was greater than mine.

Very good my pet, The Other hissed into my brain. With Kathryn's love and presence gone, his voice was all that much more powerful, where before it had been just an echo. Perhaps that was because before, where I had tried to fight it in the past, I was now embracing it. If the stupid bitch of a girl hated Chitauri, I'd give her another army to fight. She'd cripple the entire team with her fetish for the slime balls.

Excellent idea. I am reminded why my master and I decided to choose you. You who use your emotions to make you that much stronger. You have controlled your fear. Now release your anger. Only your  hatred can destroy them, the Other hissed.

"But master, I don't want to destroy all of them. Only Jacob," I protested. "I even genuinely enjoy the company of most of them. And what of my kids? Hela grows close to the Black Widow and to Lady Patricia. Nari is close to his uncle, as well as the Hawk and to Howardson as well. I do not want to kill any of them."

So order my people to spare them. Only harm Jacob, and her as well if you wish it. I have the second Tesseract and your precious scepter. You will be able to use it again if you so choose. We will open the portal once more, and we will send my people to Earth again. We can rule that wretched place together. You and I, as was the plan before.

"I accept," I hissed. "I will rejoin you, my master."

There was an intense, blinding flash of electric blue light, and I instantly fell unconscious.


Loki's POV. Flashback. The day before Thor's coronation.

I sat in my study, reading Hasira's latest letter. His people couldn't hold out much longer. With each day, the Asgardian army grew bigger and bigger. It completely enveloped the twin villages of Beseire and Seier. Even the Nantors were having trouble keeping the army in check. I had to do something, but the question was, what was it?

I heard a knock at my door. "Loki, open up! It's urgent!" said the voice of Sif.

"What is it?" I asked, turning the knob. "What's happened?"

"It... It's the villages... They've fallen. Odin requests all of our presence at once." She was out of breath from running and her eyes were huge.

"So Odin still suspects nothing from me?" I asked.

"Loki?" It was Kathryn. She came up behind me holding Antigone. "Sif, what's wrong?"

"The villages have fallen," I explained.

"Oh no," she breathed. "What of Hasira? Does he still live?"

"I do not know," Sif answered. "Loki, you have to come now!"

"Stay here, Kathryn," I hissed and then I was gone, running to the throne room. Upon arrival, the sight that greeted me was like a knife to the chest. I saw dozens of frightened, emaciated prisoners who were under heavy guard. There were two carts pulled by horses as well. Inside, there were what seemed to be piles of black leather. Nantor skins.

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