Shakespeare and a Locket

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I blinked, slowly opening my eyes. It was still dark outside, but there was a light on in my chambers. My chambers? How did I get here? As far as I knew, we had been in Loki's chambers in the palace last night.

My bed was empty, but Loki wasn't gone. He was simply sitting in one of my chairs, reading. The source of light was a small, blue orb that hovered over his head like a miniature sun. What was he reading? My curiosity got the better of me, and I slid out from between my sheets, wrapping the top one around my body like a dress, due to the fact that I was naked.

"I had hoped I would not wake you," Loki muttered, not looking up.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"Shakespeare," he replied. "I found this under the pillow I was sleeping on. It is one of the books I gave you, yes?"

I blushed. "Yes. Which play are you reading?"

"I found it open on Romeo and Juliet," he grinned, tearing his gaze away from the book. "You read this play four months ago. I remember waching you. Why are you reading it again?"

"I've just felt in the mood for a romance lately," I sighed. "But I couldn't finish the play this time around."

"Why?" he asked.

"I had to stop when I got to the part where Tybalt kills Mercutio. I just kept picturing the murders of my family every time I get to that part, because, genders aside, I'm like Romeo, and you're like Juliet. Royalty are the 'Capulets'. The slaves are the 'Montagues'. My mother was murdered by Laufey, king of Frost Giants, and since he's an authority, that makes him a Capulet. My mother was Mercutio, a death I, as Romeo, feel obligated to avenge."

"You mean kill Laufey?" Loki asked, closing the book. "That's going to be next to impossible for someone like you to accomplish."

"Yes," I sighed. "Unfortunately. I miss my mother so, and it pains me that I cannot avenge her."

"Come here love," Loki smiled, standing up and holding out his arms. I walked into them as their warmth enveloped me in a tight embrace. "I love you," Loki said. "You are right to want revenge. I cannot imagine life without my own mother." Suddenly, his arms grew ice-cold like the North Pole in January. It was so weird. When he spoke again, his voice sounded angry and defiant.

"I hate what they've done to you. They have taken your life and reshaped it to their terms. They've taken family, love, education, and even freedom of speech from you. I swear to you, my darling, that if it's the last thing I do, I will have my revenge. I will kill and punish those behind your suffering, and when the time comes, I swear to you on my own life that I will slaughter Laufey like an animal." His arms were so cold! "I will be the one who exacts your revenge for you, my love! They will pay for everything!"

I let out a soft cry of pain at my frozen body. His arms turned warm again. "I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you. I have just been frustrated lately." He pressed his lips to mine.

I smiled into the kiss. As much as Loki frightened me, I knew he meant well. And I knew how he felt. He would die for me, and my pain was his. It was a sentiment we both shared.

Loki stepped back and looked at me. He reached over and pulled the sheet off my body, leaving me utterly exposed. "Why did you wrap yourself up in that thing?" he asked. "Your body is extremely beautiful. There is no need to be ashamed."

I felt my face go beet red. "I'm not ashamed," I muttered.

"Then what is it?" Loki asked. "Why do you blush? As much as I love that pink color, it means something."

"It's just the feeling of being so vulnerable that bothers me," I sighed.

"I knew you would say that," he said. "Are you ever going to be comfortable around me?"

Among the Asgardians: The Goddess of Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن