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I sat on my bed for about an hour, thinking of the things that had just happened. Yet again, here was an example of things I did not understand. What was the horrible, slimy thing that had been in that memory? I didn't know. I only knew that every time I pictured that creature's face, shivers of pure terror would run down my spine.

Why was I so afraid of it? How could I be afraid of something I had never seen before? The thing might have been peacefully misunderstood, sort of like a snake. It would be just like Loki to blame innocent people for his own shortcomings.

I exhaled loudly. This was going nowhere. I got up off my bed and went over to the closet. All the clothes inside were black jumpsuits. Stripping off my regular clothing, I pulled one on. It fit well, almost like a second skin.

Next, I dug through the bureau drawers, producing a pair of standard issue black combat boots and a pistol holster, but no pistol. Since it was empty, I left it there, and pulled on the boots. They were clunky and uncomfortable, but oh well. I had to get out of this room. It gave me a creepy feeling, like Loki might jump out at any moment. I thought back to Natasha's warning not to wander off, but I decided against it. I can take care of myself.

When I was dressed, I stole quietly out of my room and walked down the halls, deep in thought. It was so strange to think that just two days ago, I had been a normal, happy girl. Now I didn't know when danger would overtake me and scare me out of my mind. I also knew I would never be able to sleep that night, for fear that Loki would return to haunt me.

I wandered around that helicarrier for some time, but I eventually found myself in a room. It was completely bare, but also completely dark. I lay down in a corner, curled in a ball, and fell into a deep sleep.


When I awoke, I was stunned. The room was so bright it hurt my eyes. It was still completely bare, but the walls, floor, and ceiling were a uniform color of white, and the room was brightly lit, but the light source was invisible. I was starting to get to my feet when I heard its breath.

It had coarse, rattling breathing that reminded me of the dementors from Harry Potter. I turned around slowly and saw myself face to face with the creature from my memories. Its skin was a pink, fleshy color, and it looked as slimy as an earthworm.

It smelled horrible. Like a cross between rotten meat and raw sewage. The smell sent me into a panic attack. I began to hyperventilate. I was so scared, and the horrible part was I didn't know why I was so afraid. All I knew was that thing was bad for me. I had do obliterate it from existance. I screamed in horror. Using my hands, I created thousands of dots of compressed air all around me.

If you compress air enough, it can be so hard and tough that it has more penetrating power than a bullet. I took the spots of compressed air and flung them into the thing with as much force as I could muster. It splattered into millions of pieces. Blood flew everywhere. But I wasn't done yet.

I took a bowling ball sized chunk of compressed air and threw it at what was left of the thing, until it was nothing but a pile of purple gel. I finally stopped and looked around.

Blood and gore were everywhere: on my clothes, on the walls, and on my skin. My skin?

Suddenly, my skin was crawling with the horror of contact with that horrible, slimy thing. I let out a cry of terror and slapped at it, trying to get the vile stuff off. I had little success, so I completely panicked. I pulled off the jumpsuit, covered in sick, purple gore and backed into the cleanest corner of the room, trembling with fear and stark naked.

Among the Asgardians: The Goddess of LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora