Banished to Marriage

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Kathryn's POV

"Yes," I whispered. "Yes I will marry you, Jacob. Without Loki, there's no one left to comfort me. There's no one else to hold me. There's no one else to dry my tears and tell me it's going to be okay and hold my hand and wake me up in the morning with a smile. Without him, there's no one else I'd rather live my life with."

Jacob smiled and pulled my mouth to his, kissing me gently, his soft, hot lips pressing themselves up against mine. "I love you," he whispered. "And I'm so glad you finally admit that you love me, too."

"When?" I asked as his lips moved to my neck, delicately teasing the tender skin there. "When do you want to have the wedding?"

"Would it be wrong to ask for three months?" he asked. "Three months, no less. I don't want to wait a long time until I'm able to call you my wife."

"And I can't wait to call you my husband," I said, plastering a fake smile on my face. The truth was, I had only accepted Jacob's proposal because I didn't want to be lonely and I needed some stability in my life right now. I needed things to stay mainstream and not to deviate anymore than they already had.

As Jacob trailed kisses all over my face, neck, and lips, I found myself wishing they were Loki's lips. His perfect, luxurious lips that were soft and colder than mine, due to his frost giant past. Those lips that had silenced me as I trembled in fear of the Chitauri, those lips that spoke my name when I was being silly and needed calming down, those lips that I remembered tracing their way all across my body the night our children were conceived. A soft moan let its self out of my mouth at the memory.

Jacob pulled back and smiled. "I love it when you do that," he replied.

Suddenly, there was a knocking at the door. I jumped and jumped to my feet. I had forgotten all about Bruce. Running to the door, I opened it and let him inside. "I'm so sorry, Bruce," I laughed. "I almost forgot you were out there."

"Yes, I know you did," he replied. "The Other Guy was getting impatient." Indeed, green streaks had appeared in his eyes. Beautiful as they were, they were like the warning clouds before a hurricane.

"I apologize, Bruce," I said. "I... Jacob just kind of surprised me."

"Oh?" Bruce asked, walking to the sink and filling a plastic cup with water.

"Yeah," Jacob grunted from the bed as Bruce raised the glass to his lips. "I asked her to marry me."

Instantly, Bruce sprayed water all over me in his shock. "What?!" he asked in disbelief and shock. "He asked..."

"He asked me to marry him," I confirmed, inspecting my now-dripping clothes. "I told him yes. You know, you really should learn not to spit all over people."

"You told him yes?" He had begun to tremble slightly, his eyes now a bright, acid green.

"Oh shit," I whispered. "Bruce?" I asked, patting his shoulder. "Bruce, I know this is a shock. Imagine how Tony will take it."

Bruce relaxed and his eyes became brown again. "Yes, he'll need a chair to sit down in," Bruce replied. "How much longer until you're out of this room, Jacob?"

"Well, Dr. Zola had done some genetic engineering on my body that allows me to heal fairly quickly, so I should be good to go in about five minutes," he replied.

"Dr. Zola?" Bruce asked. "Dr. Anim Zola?"

"You know him?" I asked.

"Yeah. He was the Red Skull's right-hand man back in World War II, and he was one of Cap's main enemies. How is he still alive?" Bruce's eyes were wide. "Maybe he's figured out how to make himself immortal?"

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