The Beginning of the Truth

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Kathryn's POV

I awoke in the same hospital bed, only there was a new face here. And it was the only one I saw. "Thor," I whispered. "Fury sent you to see me?"

"No, Lady Kathryn, I heard your cries of distress from my solitude in this great floating city," he said gently in reply. 

"Thor, do you know what's happening to me?" I asked. "I need answers. Who am I? Why do chitauri frighten me so much? Why do I see myself doing things I don't remember?"

"I cannot tell you exactly what you are, I myself do not know. You correct in assuming, however, that you are not of Midgard. You are not of Asgard either. Your origins are a mystery to me. I have also learned of your contact with my brother."

"I hate him," I replied.  "He steals my dreams and manipulates them into angry nightmares where he claims to love me but twists my memories into things that are totally unreal. He calls me his pet. He claims my mind is slave to his."

"In spite of what you think, Lady Kathryn, he does truly love you. He merely has trouble with this type of thing."

"When you love someone, you don't call them a dog."

"Fair enough. But think of what he has been through. The man found out his entire life was a lie! Think of the way you feel now, since your life has been the same thing."

"So you know who I am then,"' I accused.

"Not yet. Loki has been particularly difficult on that subject. But I do know this. You owe a great debt to Loki. He went to hell and back to save your life, and he is paying for it very dearly."

"Why would he save my life? He hates me."

"It is not so, Lady Kathryn. He loves you more than you know. You only have to look into your memories. They are still there. I have seen this in your head. They were difficult to read, since they were clouded and hard to access, but they are there, and only you can uncover them." His kind, blue eyes were so different from Loki's cold, green ones.

"I'm scared, Thor," I whispered. "When I picture those awful Chitauri, I can't help but feel helpless. It's like they own me, and I can't do anything to stop them. I feel as if the're all-powerful and to kill one would mean certain death for me."

Thor took my hand. My palm felt so small and soft when compared to his rough, callused hands that had the strength to take on a Hulk, but also had the ability to calm even the worst feelings inside me. "Whatever happens, Lady Kathryn, I swear I will never let any chitauri hurt you, or get within light years of you. I will see to it that you never are faced with them in training, and I will personally kill any chiitauri that dares to come even close to Midgard."

I knew then that Thor was the best friend I had been searching for in all my years of solitude. I didn't see him in a romantic way, and I don't think I ever could, but he was kind, caring, and didn't judge anyone. Still, I had a question. "Thor, you mentioned the the fact that Loki's life was a lie. How exactly is that? I thought you were brothers. Everyone says you are."

"I consider him my brother, but we are not blood. My father took him in many years ago and raised him as his own."

"And he's bitter."

"More than that. I fear his bitterness is one of the causes of the curse he claims to have been stricken with. Bitterness always makes things harder to endure and cast aside."

"Is there a way to break the curse?" I asked.

"Yes," Thor admitted. "But you must be the one to break it."

"How?" I asked.

"You must find out for yourself," Thor replied. "If I tell you, the curse will only strengthen. Use your talents. You can see things even I cannot. As much as I hate to admit it, Lady Kathryn, I fear you are more powerful than I. I pray you will not use that against me."

Among the Asgardians: The Goddess of LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang