The Son of Coul

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"My father?" I asked, breathless.

"Yes. You are familiar with your master's slave, Kruppel, are you not?" Frigga took my hand and gently sat me up. Next, she took a seat next to me on the bed.

I nodded.

"Well," Frigga continued, "I learned from a girl named Misneach, a maidservant of mine, that he was of Midgard. Naturally, I summoned him to my chambers at once. He recounted a story of Midgard to me, and showed me this," Frigga replied, reaching into the folds of her cloak and pulling out a picture of a man.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Mortals have discovered how to paint with boxes and light," Frigga grinned. "This is a picture of Kruppel's brother, Phil. If you'll remember, this is not the first time we have met, my daughter. I saw this man's face and instantly I thought of you. I wondered if you and this man were related, and I was completely surprised to see that you look almost exactly alike. Go on. Take a look," she urged.

I looked at the picture, and my breath hitched in my throat. Frigga was not exaggerating. My face was the same as this man, Phil's. Apart from my hair and eye color, we had the same wide foreheads and strong cheekbones. I had his nose and his soft, perfect lips. Even a blind person could not deny this man was related to me. This mortal, Phil, the son of Coul. "Are you certain he is my father?" I asked.

"Yes. This slave Kruppel was very educated. He started mumbling something or the other about DNA and tests and blood. With a strand of hair I stole from Midgard, and some of your hair Loki took from your room, Kruppel has confirmed you are this man's daughter. You are a son of Coul as well."

I took the photograph and looked at it again. My father. I could practicly see the wisdom radiating from his intense, blue eyes that were so unlike mine. Also unlike me, his hair was a soft, muted brown, and his features were more masculine, whereas with me, they were more defined. "So that's what Laufey meant," I mused.

"Sorry?" Frigga asked.

"When I was sold away the first time, it was because I was a half-breed. My mother must have known the danger behind such a powerful father, and that's why she kept me hidden. I deduce that Laufey found this out and that's why he wanted to kill me. As an Ambassador from Midgard, he is certainly a powerful opponent." Things were falling into place now. "That's where she met him!" I realized. "She probably worked in Asgard before being sold away to Jotunheim. Most likely in the Ambassadorial Palace where she could have met my father the same way I met Loki: by accident. I was an accident, much like these two," I replied, patting my belly. "Now I can begin to try and make contact with him, as the Midgardian Ambassadors probably knew him. Thank you so much, mother," I crowed.

"Any time, my love," she replied. "But you must promise me something. Do not tell Loki any.of what I have just told you regarding his frost giant parentage. He would be crushed if he found out."

"I swear by the name of Odin," I replied.

"Good. I must be off. I will call Loki in and leave with Sif. I hate to take away from your alone time with my son since you two barely see each other as it is." She smiled and let Loki and Sif back through the door, where I immediately announced, "Twins. A boy and girl."

Loki could scarce contain his excitement. The two of us barely noticed Frigga leave with Sif. But, when I did notice it, it brought another question to mind. "Loki? What did Sif need to talk about?" I asked.


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