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Kathryn’s POV. Present Time.

“SHIELD craft six requesting permission to land, over,” Clint said into the mike. He was at the joystick of a helicopter, piloting us to the top of a huge hotel, the nicest in the world, in fact. “You know,” he continued to us only, “the last time I was here, I threw myself out of one of those windows because of a goddamned tape.”

Tony laughed. “And Hill saved you. She told me that story. Saved by a girl. I expect better from you, my friend.”

Clint’s face cracked a smile.

“Permission granted, SHIELD craft six. You may land your craft on our roof,” said an unknown female voice.

“Roger. Twenty seconds to landing,” Clint replied. “You guys ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied, pulling my hood tighter around my head. My hair had to remain flawless, according to Tony. The more beautiful I was, the more likely it was that these people who stole the skull would trust me. According to Tony, Hydra was a finicky bunch, and they didn’t take kindly to SHIELD. In fact, the two were enemies. However, Tony had pretended we were going to use the skull against SHIELD, and that was how we’d been granted audience with the person everyone called Madame Hydra.

“What’s her real name?” I asked. “I’d hate to come off as rude in front of your criminal friends.”

“Just call her ‘My Lady,’” Tony instructed. “But only when necessary. Leave all the talking to me.”

“Why?” I asked.

“She doesn’t like me. We’re about to get into some dangerous shit. Do you have the epinephrine I asked you to bring?”

“Yes,” I said, fingering the small shot, concealed within my long, black dress.

“Ten seconds,” Clint said. “Prepare for drop off.”

“Keep it easily accessible. We may need it.”


“BAIL!”  Clint ordered. Tony and I leapt out of the helicopter and ran across the launch pad to a door where the figure of a man dressed in a black suit was standing. He ushered us inside and gave us a chance to fix our appearance.

“Mr. Stark,” the man said. “Madame Hydra is expecting you. But we were not aware you brought a guest.”

“This is my daughter, Kathryn,” Tony replied, gesturing to me. I pulled the hood from my head and allowed my golden hair to flow out of it. Tony had given me a pair of brown contacts so I’d have the same color eyes as him. He didn’t want our enemies to know I was from another world.

“Hi,” I said, holding out my hand and shooting the man, who was rather large and old, a dazzling smile.

“We do not shake hands,” he said in a thick German accent, “but I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Stark.”

“Thank you…”

“Christophe. Christophe Von Bernstein,” the man replied. “Right this way.” He offered me his arm and left Tony to tag along like a child.

There were no more words said as Christophe escorted us through the halls of the beautiful hotel. He led us to the end of a long hallway and up a flight of stairs to a door with Asian-looking markings on it.


“What does that mean?” I asked.

“It is Chinese for Penthouse,” Christophe replied. “This is where Madame Hydra will hear your offer. But before you enter, I must ask you to remove your cloak and hand over any weapons you may be carrying.”

Among the Asgardians: The Goddess of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora