Who am I?

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"Hey, Tony?" I asked, my stomach fluttering with nervousness. "You're Iron Man," I stated. God that sounded stupid. No duh, Kathryn!

"Well done, Miss Coulson! You're only several months behind the rest of the world," Tony replied, his famous crooked grin crossing his face.

"No, I only meant... Since you're part of the Avengers, you know Thor, right?" I asked, my face turning bright red.

"Oh, yeah. Getting you an autograph should be no trouble."

My temper was starting to rise. "I don't want an autograph! I need to speak to him. It's urgent."

"What urgent business do you have with Thor?" Tony asked.

"I can't tell you," I replied.

"Oh. I get it. I know what you're after. His abs aren't really that great, you know."

Gah, this was going nowhere. "I need to show you something, Mr. Stark," I replied.

"Oh, dear Jesus. Please tell me you're about to take your top off. That would be, like, seriously awesome."

Rolling my eyes, I picked up a Number 2 pencil from his desk. Placing it on my open palm, I focused my heat on it until it burst into flames. Tony lept back and let out a yelp of surprise. With a small grin, I used my other hand to dump a pint of water on the flame, extinguishing it.

"What the hell did you just do?" Tony asked. His face was a pale shade of white. "We need to see Fury about this right now."

And that's how I got here, in the excellent clouds, wearing Pepper's beautiful purple and silver Iron Man suit.

I think it's fairly safe to say I went crazy with it. I did all sorts of flips and arcs. Tony was chuckling in the background. As I zoomed up into the stratosphere for the billionth time, he warned, "Don't get too carried away, Kathryn. These things don't have unlimited power."

"Sorry," I replied, grinning from ear to ear as I pulled back down to his side. "What exactly is going to happen to me once we reach the helicarrier?"

"I just got off the phone with Fury. We want to interview you to make sure you aren't a threat. I'm going to be there, along with the rest of The Avengers."

"I need help only one of you can give. Why would I threaten you?" I asked.

"I don't think you would, but it's standard protocol."

"I understand. Should I say or do anything to help my chances?"

"No, not really. Odds are, Bruce, Steve and Thor will like you right away. Natasha and Clint, I'm not so sure about."


"They're just programmed by nature to be extra wary of strangers. They don't trust you unless you earn that trust."

"Will I be allowed to speak with Thor? It really is urgent that I tell him something." "I'm sure Fury will let you speak to him, if you prove you're not dangerous."

"Oh, I'm dangerous. Just not to The Avengers. I could kill you if I wasn't on your side. Make no mistakes about that."

"Oh, I get it," Tony grinned. "That's cute. You want on our team. Sorry, kid. Thor's not the right guy to talk to about that. You'll have to see the Capsicle."

"Stop bugging me, Tony. You don't know my business with Thor. You won't ever guess it, so stop trying. I won't even ask to be on the team. You have to earn something like that," I replied.

"Now you sound like Steve," Tony chuckled. "He's always going around and acting as if he's all high and mighty. It's like he spends his free time thinking of noble things to say."

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