Chapter 11

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Okay, before I start I just wanted to let you guys know that from here on out, my formatting for this story is going to be different. This is a change that I think will make the story more enjoyable for you guys and for me. So let's get started :)

Chapter 11

        After Ross left for his date, Rocky decided that the rest of us should play Truth or Dare. Of course the first person he decided to ask was me.

        "Truth or Dare Rydel?" Rocky asks me a sly smile on his face.

        "Umm..." I start. I know whatever I pick I'll probably end up regretting.

        "Dare." I say finally.

        "Alright." says Rocky smiling. "I dare you to kiss Ellington."

        "WHAT?!?" I ask.

        "You heard me." he says grinning.

        "C'mon Rydel, What's so bad about kissing me?" asks Ellington.

        I groan. The boys are never going to let me hear the end of this. Here goes nothing.

        I lean in and so does Ellington. Our lips touch and he wraps his arms around me. Gosh, I love him. After a while, I start to forget the boys are there.

        "Uhumm" Riker clears his throat as we pull away. My face turns about 10,000 shades of red.

        "Truth or Dare Riker?" I say trying to quickly change the subject.

        The rest of the game goes by uneventfully. After the game we all decide to watch a movie. Riker, Rocky, and Ryland all agree on some hockey movie and since it's three against two it's what we end up watching.

I sit next to Ellington on the couch. The movie is extremely boring, and before I know it, I'm asleep.

I wake up to lights flashing in my face. The boys all have their phones out and are taking pictures of me. But why? Oh no. I realize I'd fallen asleep with my head on Ellington's shoulder.

"Umm... I...." I start. Just then Ellington wakes up. He quickly realizes the situation we are in and sits up so my head is no longer on his shoulder.

"So..... Anybody up for a snack?" asks Ellington. The boys immediately forget about what just happened as soon as food is brought up. They all charge into the kitchen at full speed leaving just Ell and I in the living room.

"Hey." he says.

"Hey." I say.

He lightly kisses the top of my head before heading into the kitchen to join my brothers.

"Rydel! It's time to go!" I hear my dad yell.

"Coming!" I yell back stuffing a few more things in my suitcase, and then heading downstairs. All the boys are down there already. We're headed to New York for Good Morning America on our tour bus, and then we come back to LA to have a week off before our actual tour starts.

I sit next to Ellington on the bus. He shares his headphones with me and I smile as "Seven Nation Army" comes on.

I look around to see if any of the other boys are looking. They're all absorbed in some dumb video game. Which I guess is better then them watching us.

"I love you so much." I whisper to him.

"I love you so much more." he whispers.

"Impossible." I say.

I look around once more to make sure the boys still aren't looking. Then I kiss him on the cheek. He smiles at me.

I see Ross put down his video game controller and pick up his phone. He smiles at it and then shoves it back in his pocket.

"Texting Laura?" asks Riker.

"None of your business." Ross replies.

"You might as well tell us considering we all know your passcode." says Rocky.

"I changed it." says Ross.

"No you didn't." says Rocky.

"No I didn't." Ross sighs.

"Now if you all must know, Laura texted and said she missed me already." says Ross.

"Awwwww!" we all exclaim.

"Oh shut up." says Ross.

"You love it." says Rocky.

"Gosh dang it Rocky! Stop knowing everything about me!" whines Ross.

We all just laugh.







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