Chapter 19

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 5K READS. THIS IS ABSOLUTE INSANITY. To anyone who's ever taken time out of their day to read even just one chapter, thank you so so much. I love you.

Rydel's POV

                                I finish my makeup just as Ellington walks in. 

"You ready?" he asks. We're about to leave to go see the movie we've been working on for quite some time, R5 All Day All Night.

"Yeah, I am." I say, adjusting my green and pink heart necklace.

"Wow." he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just.... You look fantastic." he says.

"You're not so bad looking yourself." I say grinning at him.

He takes my hand and we walk out to the car.

He doesn't let go of my hand until we get to the theater. We walk in the back door so we don't get mobbed, and wait in the employees section. We're going to hand out popcorn to the fans at the theater. I can't wait to see the look on their faces. Then again..... they'll be nothing compared to their faces when they're actually watching the movie.

We hand out popcorn and then thank the fans for coming. The we head to our seats. I sit next to Ellington.

"You're 100 percent sure about this?" Ell asks me.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I say.

"Me too." he says grinning at me.

The movie starts and I can tell that the fans are loving it. Every once in a while, some of them will look back at us and smile.

All of a sudden, the beginning of One Last Dance starts playing and it flashes to a picture of me, and then one of Ellington. I bury my head into Ellington's shoulder.

"Pretty much I just remember always liking Ellington." I hear myself say. The entire audience starts screaming. Here we go. There's no going back now.

"Like from day one, he was just the cutest thing in the world." I say laughing. More screams.

"One way or another it was bound to happen with Rydel and Ellington." Riker says. Even more screams.

"Even before there was anything that we knew of, we were recording our first album Louder with our producers and the producers are like " So they're together right?" like this is like way early on. And we're like, We were like "Wait, what? No!" Riker continues. A few people laugh, including Rocky.

It cuts to me in the dance studio Ellington and I first met in, The Rage. "What was your first recollection of me?" Ellington asks.

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