Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

                    Lex and Sav had gone home a while ago. I'm sitting on my bed scrolling through my Twitter feed when someone pounds on my door. I roll my eyes. It must be one of my idiot brothers.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Ellington." the voice says.

Oh God. "Um...." I run my fingers through my hair trying to get it to look nicer. Wait. Ellington had seen me with terrible hair. He'd seen me in the morning with bedhead, he'd seen me when I was sick, he'd seen me when I was crying and trying to hide from the world. Why did I care what he thought now? Huh. I mean I like him but this is just weird.

"Come in!" I exclaim.

He walks in. "Sup?" I ask.

"I don't know...I'm bored so I just wanted to talk to my best friend." he says.

Right. Friends. Nothing more. "Oh... well talk away." I say.

He sighs and sits on my bed gesturing for me to come sit next to him. I do. "I've been thinking a lot lately." he says.

"About what?" I ask.

"Oh you know.. just stuff." he says.

"About the kiss?" I ask. Oh God. Why did I just say that?

"Well... Yah." he says.

"Me too." I say.

"Did it.... Did it mean anything to you?" he asks.

"I don't know... kinda." I say.

"Really?" he asks and I swear his face lights up.

"Well yah.. I mean..." I start.

All of a sudden the door bursts open and Rocky, Ross, Ryland, and Riker walk in. "Hey lovebirds." says Rocky and Riker elbows him in the side.

"Ow!" Rocky exclaims.

"What Rocky means to say is... What the heck is going on between you two?" asks Ross.

"Nothing. We're just friends." says Ellington.

"Just friends" don't usually kiss on stage in front of thousands of people... or at all." says Ryland.

I bite my lip. He has a point. "Austin and Ally do." says Ell.

Everybody laughs and Ross rolls his eyes. "Yah.. but they're fictional." says Riker.

"Wait... you mean to tell me Ross doesn't have a twin brother that goes by Austin Moon?" asks Rocky.

Everybody laughs. Ross just rolls his eyes again.


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