Chapter 11

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Lisa Pov
I can't believe what I just heard this man just told me a story and it's the same story that my Mom told me.

All this time it's all about her and Dad? All this time it's his fault.

Lisa ...... Krystal called me and I let go of her hand.

Lisa please...... This man said or my Dad.

If you're my dad that means I'm a demon?...... I asked him and he just nod at me.

That explains the mark appeared on your face...... Jessica said.

I'm sorry..... Dad said and I hugged him.

If you just know how I wanted to experience to hug my Dad...... I said to him.

I'm sorry for leaving you and your Mom...... Dad said.

I understand...... I said to him and pulled out from the hug.

It's already dark Lisa...... Yuri said then this feeling again hits me.

A feeling of nervous an urge to go back to the village.

Lisa..... Krystal called me so I looked at her.

I know you're panicking so calm down ..... Krystal said as she hold my hand.

Tell me what's wrong....... Krystal said softly.

Village...... I said to her.

What about it?....... Dad asked.

Needs me...... I said.

Hey calm down we will go back there tomorrow...... Krystal said and hugged me and I closed my eyes.

No One Pov
When Krystal noticed that Lisa already calmed down Jessica called her.

Krystal I need to talk to you ..... Jessica said to her then walked away.

Lisa..... Krystal said.

Don't leave me..... Lisa said to her.

I won't, I will just talk to her first.....Krystal said to her and Lisa pulled out from the hug then Krystal followed Jessica.

Why her?...... Jessica asked Krystal.

I'm sorry.......Krystal said to her.

Krystal there's a lot of people to fall in love with...... Jessica said to her.

Why her?....... Jessica asked her.

I love her so please let me love her.....Krystal said to her.

How can I let you love her if I also love her Krystal?...... Jessica asked her.

I won't let her go...... Krystal said.

Krystal if you're in my situation I know you will do what I will do .....Jessica said to her.

You're wrong...... Krystal said to her.

If Lisa is happy with you I will let her be with you even if it will hurts me......Krystal said to her.

And I hope you will do the same thing....... Krystal added and about to leave but Jessica spoke.

It hurts Krystal seeing the one I love fall for my sister...... Jessica said to her.

The person who accepted and love me in that village...... Jessica added and Krystal looked at her.

She also accepted me and love me but she's mine now ....... Krystal said to her.

Just give Yuri a chance and let me love Lisa..... Krystal added.

I can't..... Jessica said to her.

Why?...... Krystal asked her.

I love her Krystal I love Lisa......Jessica said to her.

So am I..... Krystal said to her.

I love Lisa and she's the only one that make me feel that I'm love, important and she accepted me I found myself to her...... Krystal added.

If you will take her away you just like take my life away...... Krystal said to her and about to leave.

Don't hurt her because I never did.....Jessica said to her.

Once you hurt her I won't hesitate to take her away but don't expect that I will stop loving her..... Jessica added and Krystal looked at her then smiled.

I won't hurt her and I'll be the one who love and protect her..... Krystal said and she left.

I forgot Lisa got stabbed...... Jessica said and she followed Krystal.

On the Other Side......

Ready we will attack the village......Do Hwan said as his allies started to prepare.

Your daughter is getting to my nerves Yong Ji..... Do Hwan said.

Lisa, your daughter will be my one and only target Yong Ji..... Do Hwan said and smiled evily.

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