1. The fall i just wanna run

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Song of the chapter: I just wanna run by the downtown fiction.

Edited June 21st, 2014


I plug my earbuds in as I walked to the school. My long blonde hair swinging side to side with each step. My mind drifted as i walked down the path, drifted to josh, my boyfriend.
Ashley, the most popular girl in my school, and also one of my best friends paired me up with him.
When I got into the school I ran straight for the bathroom, and walked in on some girls putting on a ton of makeup. They looked over at me and gave me the dirtiest look. Ignoring them I ran my earbuds up my jacket and in my hair to hide them. walking out with sass I made my way into the canteen where everyone was waiting for me.
I sighed Josh wasn't here yet so I had to hang out with the fake girls of the school, also know as my friends.
"Mackenzie!" Ashley sing-songed. I mentally rolled my eyes.
If I had done it for real that would result in a punishment for me. She was my biggest bully, Well the whole school bullied me, But she was the worst.
"Ashley!" I mocked her tone. She gave me a dirty look.
"Bitch you don't do that only I do because I'm fabulous." She said to me, her hand coming in contact with my cheek before she sashayed away. Her little followers Alyssa and Katlyn did the same. I was left with a super red cheek and thousands of eyes on me, as I ran away.
The day dragged on and my music was playing lowly as my mind wandered.
I still hadn't seen Josh all day I wonder what's up with him. We shared a lot with each other, We both secretly hated all the populars and wanted to leave but feared getting shunned for doing so.
I looked out the class window into the hall, there he was waving me over to talk.
"Mr. Okaykay may I please use the restroom?" I asked using my fake nice girl act. He nodded and I walked outside to Josh.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Come with me." He said grabbing my arm and dragging me into the janitors closet and locking the door behind him.
"What the -" I started to say but before I could finish his lips crashed into mine, I kissed back furiously.
He licked my bottom lip and I denied which made him angry he pulled back and his palm made contact with my cheek.
"You will do as I command slut or ill tell everyone you slept with me last night for ten bucks." He said smirking at me and going back in for another kiss.
I immediately let his tongue in not wanting any untrue rumors spread.
He started to pull his top off. He pulled off his pants and started working on my skinny jeans all in one swift movement, I pulled back.
"Please Josh dont." I said with pleading eyes, he slapped me once again and continued on. Tears were falling down my face. He was going to rape me. He pulled my pants and top off and went to work on the rest.


He finally stopped and put his clothes back on, I was all out of tears. He dropped a piece of paper on me and left the room. I looked down and saw there was a twenty dollar bill with a sticky note on it.

thanks babe I'm done with you buy something nice and don't even think about saying a word about this to anyone whore. We're over.

I felt a tear slid down my still stinging cheek, he used me.
Sighing, I got dressed and walked out to the bathroom. I fixed my makeup and my hair and walked off to the canteen for lunch.

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