25. The fall never say never

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Okay so thank you all we've hit 7.6k <3 love you amazing readers. THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!!! It will be called we used to be friends.
*warning this is a very pg-13 chapter again. Sorry babes xx*

Dedications areeee:
@mmdonn & @kaylynn23

Song of the chapter: never say never by the fray :)
And best song ever by one direction.

Mackenzie's p.o.v

I woke up to austin wrapped around me.
"Wakey wakey." I say into his ear.
"Five more minutes." He mumbles in his sexy morning voice. My knees went weak. Damn this boy. If I wasn't lying down I would have collapsed to the ground.
"Fine." I say cuddling up to austin and he pulls me into him. 5 minutes later I kiss Austin's cheek.
"C'mon babe wake up." I whisper into his ear.
"Nooooo." He mumbles.
"C'mon I need to pack."
"No you don't your staying here with me."
"I would if I could babe but I can't." I say pulling out of Austin's arms. He pouts. I get up and walk to my closet pulling out a tank top and yoga shorts.
"Ill be back." I say walking into my bathroom to change into the clothes. Once I was done I put my hair up into a messy bun and walked out. I placed my phone on the ihome and clicked shuffle. Say somethin came on. I blushed and went to skip it.
"No don't change it. It's adorable that you have it." Austin says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. "Where do we start?"
"Um how about over there?" I said bitting my lip pointing over to the drawers I started doing yesterday. He nodded then let go of me and walked over to the drawers. I walked over too and sat down next to austin. Opening the drawer I started to sing along to the song.
"Say somethin if your feelin the vibe. Say somethin baby don't be so shy. Say somethin cause your all in my head like oh oh oh oh yeah yeah."
"You have a beautiful voice." Austin said reminding me there was still a person in here. I pulled out sketch books and put them into the box one by one. Austin pulled one out and flipped through it.
"Wow your really good." He said going through another.
"Austinnnn." I whine taking the sketch book from his hands.
"Will you draw me sometime? Like before you leave?" He asks.
"Maybe." I say turning back to the drawer and pulling out a camera. I smiled and clicked it on. I scrolled through the photos of mostly me but some of me and austin. I smiled at some of the best ones and then shut my camera off setting in the now almost full box.
-2 hours later-
Two hours and we had packed almost everything but my clothes and the furniture. We danced and kissed a few times during the two hours but nevertheless we packed.
"Want some cookies?" I ask austin and his face lights up.
"You'd make me cookies?"
"Of course but you got to help too."
"Okay!" Austin screams and races downstairs. I grab the ihome and my phone and bounce down the steps. I set up the music again and turned on who's that boy by Demi lavato. (<3) I started dancing and grabbing the ingredients. I made my way back to the oven and start mixing all the stuff together. I was having "trouble" stirring so I asked austin to help. He came up from behind me and brought his hands over mine on the spoon gently stirring. I bit my lip and looked up at him. He leaned in and so did I. Finally I felt his warm lips on mine again. He tasted like warm vanilla and axe. I turned myself around and he deepened the kiss. I pulled back.
"Don't you want cookies?" I ask trying to turn myself back around to face to oven but he held me.
"Yeah but I want you more." He says breathlessly bringing his lips back down to mine. We kiss for a few more moments before I broke it.
"Let me at least Finnish making these okay?" I ask out of breath. He nods and I turn back around adding Nutella to the batter. I make them into individual cookie sizes and stick them into the oven setting the timer. Austin leads me over to the couch. He sits down and I sit straddling him.
"I love you." He says pushing me down so he was now hovering over me and brings his lips to mine. He deepened the kiss immediately and I brought my hands to his hair restyling it with every tug. He brings his hands under my shirt and pulls it up to my bra line. I pull apart so he can take my shirt off. I reach for his shirt and tug it off in one swift movement throwing it down to the floor. He brings his lips to my neck and sucks gently as he pulls off my yoga shorts. I let out a soft moan. Then another as he leaves a love bite in the crook of my neck. I was now only in my bra and underwear. I reached for his pants unzipping them and tugging them off letting out moans as he leaves love bites down my neck to my ribcage stopping randomly where he saw fit. I trailed his perfectly toned abs with my nails and he let out a moan. I grabbed his hair and he kissed closer to my pantie line pulling his head up to meet mine again. I brought my lips to his and we kissed. I flipped us over so now I was on top and I tore my lips from his bringing them down to his neck. I sucked gentle love bites down to his underwear. He let out a moan and flipped me over letting himself lay onto of me for a brief moment. He connected his lips to mine as he reached around my back to my bra strap. I arched my back to help him and he gracefully pulled it off and threw it to the side. He pulled his lips from mine once again and looked at me.
"Damn your beautiful." He said and I pulled his hair bringing him back down to me returning his lips to mine. I went for his boxers slightly inching them down when the buzzer for the oven went off making me jump.
"We should make cookies more often." Austin winked and I smacked his chest playfully.
"Austin!" I squeal.
"Oh stop you know you enjoyed it." He winked again.
"Yeah I did." I said bringing my bottom lip in between my teeth.
"You know you look pretty sexy when you do that?"
"Oh really?" I ask doing it again.
"Yes." He said bringing his lips down to mine. We kiss for a minute when I pull back.
"Lets go get the cookies before they burn." I say pushing him off of me and grabbing my bra. I put my bra back on and grab Austin's overly-to-big-for-me-shirt putting that on over.
"What am I going to where?" Austin asks seeing me in his shirt after he puts his pants back on.
"You sir." I start and I walk towards him. "Don't need a shirt." I get close enough to him to make his think I was going to kiss him when I walk over to the oven pulling out the sheet of cookies.
"Tease." Austin mumbles and I giggle. I set the cookies on a plate and bring them to the table where austin is already sitting. I take a bite out of one and moan in pleasure from the cookie.
"So are you giving me a description of tonight's round?" He winks.
"Ew no." I squeal smacking Austin's bare chest.
"Oh I almost forgot these guys I think their in the band one direction want to meet you. Want to?" Austin asks smiling knowing exactly what I would say not do. I screamed and flailed around like a crazy person. He laughed.
"Oh my god. What kind of question is that? Call them bring forth the direction. Oh my gosh I need to get ready!" I scream realizing I looked like trash from austin and I little fun pre-cookie event.
"Okay ill call zayn and let him know him and the boys can come over." He says bringing out his phone.
"Okay I'm getting in the shower." I say as I wrap up the remaining cookies.
"Ill join you in a minute."
"Um no. Your not." I say blushing.
"Babe we just did all that. We practically just saw each other naked it doesn't matter."
"But I haven't seen clark and I don't plan to for a while."
"But clark wants to meet you!" Austin yells.
"Ewww!" I squeal running to the bathroom. I close the door and strip down turning the hot water on.
"Please babe?" Austin asks from outside the door.
"You can sit in here and we can talk." I say trying to compromise as I step into the shower.
"Fine. I'm coming in okay?" He says opening the door slightly.
"Your clear." I say and I heard the door close. "Austin?"
"Yes lovely?"
"Just checking."
"What are you doing?"
"Um shaving..." I say weirdly.
"Oh where?"
"Why does it matter you perv."
"It doesn't I just want to know." I could practically see him winking. I laugh.
"Your so weird." I say and I wash my hair.
"We'll your beautiful. Everywhere." Austin said. I smiled and bit my lip. I decided to ignore that comment. I finished up and called out to austin.
"Hey babe are you going to take a shower?"
"No beautiful." He replies.
"Can you get me a towel?" I ask.
"Sure hold on." Austin replies then a hand sticks through the curtain holding a black towel.
"Thank you austy." I say wrapping my towel around me and stepping out of the shower. Austin opened the door for me and I thanked him walking to my room.
"Here wear this." Austin said handing me a red crop top that read
'Im fabulouis.'
And a pair of black high waisted shorts.
"Thanks boo." I said and walked over to the drawer that held my bras and panties. I grabbed my favorite pair of red Victoria secret cheeksters panties and the matching lace bra.
"Look away." I said and austin turned around facing my wall. I let my towel drop and put on my panties and bra. I picked up the crop top off of the bed and put that on along with my shorts.
"Okay." I said and austin turned around. "Good?" I ask spinning slowly in a circle.
"Damn good. I think you need to change or those direction boys will literally be all over you." Austin said crossing his arms. I giggled and walked to my bathroom and blow dried my hair then straightening it. I pulled out my makeup and was about to put it on when austin stopped me.
"You look beautiful enough as is." He says.
"Just in case." I say and put on concealer then do my eyes. Austin huffs. The doorbell rings just as I Finnish and I squeal.
"Ill get it." Austin says walking downstairs to the door. I cheek my lol me last time before waking down the stairs. The boys were all sitting on my couch laughing. My couch. I fangirled inside as I sat down next to Niall and austin.
"And this is my lovely girlfriend mackenzie." Austin says looking at me smiling. I smile back at him.
"Awe you two are adorable." Liam says and I giggle.
"Thank you Liam." I say smiling.
"I'm Niall." Niall says holding out his arms for a horan hug. I gladly accept and move to the next boy. Harry.
"I'm Harry."
"We don't really need an introduction. I know y'all." I say smiling and Harry hugs me.
"Judging from you shirt your a directioner." Louis says. "And I'm your favorite."
"Um actually no I just like the saying. Niall and Harry are my favorites."
"Always the cheeky chaps." Zayn says and I laugh.
"I thought we had something!" Liam shouts and I burst into fit of laughter. The boys join in laughing at my laugh. I was calmish on the outside but inside I was fangirling like crazy.
"Can y'all excuse me for a moment?" I say after everyone dies down.
"Sure love." Zayn said and I walk into the coat closet leaving everyone confused. I let it all out. I screamed and spazzed around until I was calm enough to go back out there. All the boys were laughing. I stepped out of the closet and took a deep breath walking back to the couch.
For the next Hour and a half we just sat told stories, and laughed. I was starting to see them as normal boys. It turns out austin met them on tour with Taylor because of Harry dating her and they planed to meet up when they both finished touring.
"We must be heading off but mackenzie can we have your number?" Liam asks.
"Sure." I say getting up and walking over to him. I set my name as mackemzieeeeee :) and gave it back to him moving on to zayn. Then louis. Then Harry. And lastly Nialler. I promised to keep in touch with them as the walked out the door.
"We'll that was fun." I say turning to austin. He picked me up and brought me up to my room lying me down on my bed. He straddled on top of me and I bit my lip.
"I want you so bad right now babe." He said leaning down and kissing me. I deepened the kiss wanting him as much as he did me. He pulled off my shirt us only breaking to lift it over my head and I pulled off his shirt. He brought his lips down to my neck again sucking at the one spot making me moan. I grabbed his hair pulling it as he bite gently. I hastily grabbed his pants and pulled them off throwing them to my bedroom floor. I rolled over making me on top as he pulled my shorts off, his mouth still attached to my neck traveling down to my bra. He pulled off.
"Your bra is hot." He said breathlessly as he pulled it off. I grabbed the spandex at his underwear sticking a finger in and gently pulling them down. He moaned and pulled off my panties and his underwear.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Austin asked hovering over me.
"Yes." I say and he goes down.

*i will not write anymore of that. I can only write so much of that and someone Told me i needed this. Sorry if you didn't like. Ilysm <3*


I woke up with Austin's bare body intertwined with mine. I smiled. We had shown each other how much we truly loved one another last night. Austin woke up and kissed me.
"Last night was the best night of my life." He said.
"Mine too." I reply.

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