21. The fall black keys

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Okay so I love you all so much. When I logged on this morning there were tons of messages. I know y'all don't read these so ill keep it short. I'm so grateful for all you amazing readers. Your guys comments make my day. I love seeing what you all think about what's going on. I love ya lots. <3 ~Kenzie

Edited 8/6/13

Dedications for this chapter are
@theperksofbeingaloser and @mmdonn I love you both and I hope you enjoi this chapter <3 your comments are always perfect <3 thank you both.

Song of the chapter: black Keys by the Jonas brothers. <3

Austin's p.o.v

Finally having her in my arms was the best feeling in the world. I missed her like crazy. I just hope she didn't read my letter, it would crush her. I leaned in and to my surprise so did she. We kissed for a few minutes before I smiled, sadly breaking our kiss.
"God I've missed that." I said breathlessly.
"Me too." She replied back shyly.
"Mackenzie I know I've hurt you but I promise ill never do anything like that ever again. Will you please be my girlfriend?"
"Austin I can't." She replied back and my smile dropped. I've really hurt her. She won't even give me a second chance.
"Oh." I say.
"Its because I'm moving in a month." She says quietly. Wait what? Why is she moving?
"Why are you moving? And where?" I ask surprised.
"I have to move to California with my aunt and uncle because my parents died a few days ago. They got into a serious car crash and died." She says tears threatening to spill from her beautiful blue eyes. I pulled her into my chest and she snuggled her head into my neck, her breath warm on my throat.
"Awe baby it's okay. I'm here for you okay? So is the crew. We're all here to support you even after you leave." I say kissing the top of her head.
"Thank you austy." She mumbles into my neck sending shivers down my spine.
"Really that nickname again?" I say mockingly trying to change the subject.
"It's my favorite." She says lifting her head to look at me, her makeup smeared. I wiped it off. "I'm sorry I probably look like shit." She says whipping her eyes. I grab her arms and hold them on my chest.
"You look beautiful as ever okay? Your always beautiful. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Just you and I. That's all that ever matters. In my mind at least. And if it's your favorite nickname then I guess ill allow it but only for you princess." I say looking into her eyes.
"Austin?" She asks.
"Yes babe?"
"I love you. So freaking much." I smile bigger than I ever have before, my heart pounding in my chest.
"I love you too princess."
"You'll be my prince? Forever?"
"Of course. I always have and always will." I say and she leans up and kisses me. We kiss for what feels like a lifetime before someone Burst through the door.
"Mackenzie?" The persons says and mackenzie jumps and disconnects our lips from each others. I pull her closer and hold her protectively. I look to see who it was. Tyler. He storms out of the room and mackenzie jumps from my arms and runs after him. It didn't bother me like I thought it would because she was my princess and I was her prince. Forever.

Mackenzie's p.o.v

Damn it. Tyler saw austin and I kissing. He stormed out and to his car. I ran after him.
"Tyler!" I shouted. He turned around.
"Did those kisses earlier today mean nothing to you? Because they meant a whole lot to me. Did what austin do mean nothing? He fucking cheated on you mackenzie! He treated you like shit and your kissing him like you still love him!" Tyler screams at me his eyes glossy with years.
"It's because I do still love him Tyler! Okay? I still really fucking love him. And no the kisses didnt mean anything to me. I'm sorry!" I lied. About the kissing part not about austin.
"We'll then I see how you feel. I won't be sticking around for you to hurt me anymore. Tell austin I give him the best wishes on getting better." He said slamming the car door and driving off. That was the last time I would ever see Tyler again. I stormed back inside and sat down on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs.
"You guys can go see austin." I say. The crew walks in with mama mahone and I sit quietly by myself. I rummage through my bag, mama mahone ran to get for me like she did for all of us knowing we weren't leaving austin, till my fingers hit the corner of an envelope. I pulled it out. It was the one austin wrote to me. Should I open it? I ask myself. After a five minute argument with myself I decided I should open it. I just won't tell anyone I did. Shakily I ripped open the flap and pulled out the sheets of white papers with Austin's handwriting sprawled all over it.

'Dear Mackenzie,
I wanted to make this short and to the Point but I couldn't. There's so many things I have left unsaid and this is my final chance to say them. I realize that by the time you read this someone would've already found me and your probably crying in your lonely empty house. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't really want to leave you alone but you don't want me anymore so why do I need to live? I have no point in my life without you. It's not your fault though. Don't you dare ever blame yourself. I've always wanted to leave this horrid world.
I don't want to say my goodbyes yet, though you already have said goodbye to me. I'm not ready to end this note because you don't know exactly how much I love you.
Do you know what I love about you the most? Your smile. I think that's what I'm going to miss the most, your smile and laugh. I need you to promise me one thing okay? Don't cut. Please. I'm begging you. Just stay strong for me. I'm so sorry for all the pain I have or am causing you princess. Tell the crew I love them and my mahomies please?
Anyway back to the point.
Another thing I love about you is how funny you are. You can make anything into a joke. It doesn't matter if its laughing at yourself or a stranger you always seemed to be laughing when I was with you. Your ten times prettier when your happy. So please be happy! And keep smiling please?
I'm going to miss everything about you, you know? I miss the days where we would just run around your house playing tag, or cuddle up and watch movies all day.
This note is completely all over the place. I'm sorry. It's probably because of how scared I am. I'm frightened princess. I wish I could run to you. Run to you and tell you everything. I want you to tell me not to do this, not to leave you. But I cant do that to you. I can't put that much burden on your shoulders. I know if I did you'd do everything in your power to keep me here, but I can't make you do anything you don't want to do.
Did I already tell you to tell the crew and my fans I love them? Well please do that for me.
As for you, it's hurts to know that out of everyone you'll probably take this the hardest. I hate the fact that I'm the one hurting you once again. Though I will be gone soon, just remember I will never leave your side. Okay? I promised you, on the night at the fair I would be by your side for every laugh, every tear, every fall as your best friend and I won't break that promise. I may not be here physically but In my heart I will always be with you. Whenever you need me ill be there for you. Ill be waiting for you in my next life, waiting for the day you finally join me - which will be a long time from now. You deserve a long happy life without the pathetic douche who messes everything up. Though ill miss you, I don't want you to leave until your lived your life completely. Ill still be here when you decide it's your time... But as for me, my time is up.
I'm sitting on the cold bathroom floor as I write this note. I'm sorry for the tear stains I never meant for there to be any evidence that I cried. I have the bottle of anti- depressants in my hand. I don't want to explain what I'm going through at this moment but don't worry I'm not going painfully. I'm gong to take the whole bottle of pills, it's the most peaceful and the least messy thing I could think of, I sure hope it works.
I'm sure this note is pretty long but I need one last favor. Take care of my mom please? After my dad died she was devastated. She sees you as a daughter so it won't be all that hard.
Anyways, I just took the whole bottle. The pills sliding down my throat easily like I thought. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'm beginning to feel woozy, and my sight is fuzzy. I can't stand up. Im so scared. I know it was my decision and I can't turn back now but I'm still afraid. My body is gong numb and it's getting harder to write.
So I guess this is where I leave you princess. I'm so sorry. I leave this with the other notes for everyone else but I guess you already found it. I'm sorry I don't know what I'm saying, my brain is fuzzy.
I love you beautiful. So fucking much. Don't you ever forget that. Don't you dare forget. Ill see you soon okay?

-austin <3'

I let the tears fall silently as I read over the note. I neatly folded it back up and put it back into the envelope, placing it back into my bag.

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