14. The fall how to save a life

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Hoes be trippen. Smh. Lol well I decided you all deserved another chappy :) <3 this chapter is going to shock you.
P.s writing a chapter and trying to work out is really hard. It's a good thing I only need to shape up my legs.

This shocking amazing chapter is dedicated to nadiatk0221 you'll see why. Love her tho <3 #nohate

Edited 7/14/13

Song of the chapter: how to save a life by the fray. <3

Mackenzie's p.o.v

It was getting dark so we all decided to go back to my house since no one was home. We all took turns getting changed out of our bathing suits and into regular clothes. Everyone meet in the living room.
"So what should we do?" Alex asks bored.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Robert yells.
"That's a good idea." Sarah says smiling.
"I'm up for it." Zach says shrugging.
"Mackenzie?" Tyler whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
"Ill do it." I say.
"Then I guess I'm in too." Tyler said. Everyone cheered.
"So who's first?" Sarah asked. Everyone looked around.
"Fine ill go first." Alex huffs. "Zach truth or dare?"
"Um truth?" Zach states unsure and everyone groans.
"Okay have you ever wanted to do something sexual with anyone in here and who?" Alex stated smiling.
"Um yeah and um uhh I um I don't want to um say who."
"Because she'll feel awkward." Zach said looking at the floor.
"Okay then you have to do a punishment." Sarah said quite confused.
"What's my punishment?" Zach asks.
"You have to go outside and run around singing the first song that comes to mind while wearing one of Mackenzie's bras over your shirt." Alex says laughing.
"No!" I scream not wanting them to see my bras.
"Oh c'mon kenzieboo just let him have one of your bras." Robert said.
"Fine." I huffed and stomped up the stairs with Zach trailing behind me. I open my drawer and pull out the first bra not noticing what it was.
"Um thanks." He said walking downstairs with it. I joined everyone downstairs as the were trying to put it on Zach.
"Dayum mackenzie that's one sexy bra." Robert came up to me and said. I looked at Zach and they had finally gotten the bra on. I realised it was my black and white zebra lace push-up bra. I felt my cheeks instantly go red. Zach walked outside and ran around scream singing sexy bitch by David guetta. Why that song came to his mind the world may never know. Zach came back in and handed me my bra back. I ran upstairs and threw it into my room.
"Okay Zach your turn."
"Um Sarah truth or dare?"
"Dare." Sarah said smiling evilly.
"I dare you to lick Alex's stomach."
"Haha deal!" Sarah laughs and Alex lifts up his shirt. Sarah leans down and slowly licks from Alex's ribcage down to his shorts line.
"Alright alright Sarah that's enough!" I shrieked laughing.
"Haha okay so um tyler truth or dare?"
"Me being tyler daredevil stanush. I choose truth." Everyone laughed. "Just kidding I pick dare."
"Okay then I dare you to kiss mackenzie for a full minute." Sarah said snickering. Tyler looked over at me.
"I won't if you don't want me to. Ill take a punishment."
"No it's okay. It's just a dare right?" I said sighing. Why did Sarah have to drag me into this. She knows exactly how I felt about what is going on between me and Austin. Tyler nodded and we both leaned in. Our lips met and instantly there was a spark. For the minute that we kissed I forgot all about Austin, the only thing running through my mind was tyler. Me and tyler. Me and tyler. It felt amazing. When the time was finally up, tyler reluctantly pulled away. I looked around the circle and everyone seemed shocked except Robert he looked pissed. What the hell was his problem?
"I um I have to go." I managed to stutter out and ran up to my room. I jumped into my bed and snuggled up under all the covers, tears threatening to spill at any moment. There was a knock on my door.
"Go away." I mumbled and whoever it was took it as an invitation in. I groaned and looked up, it was tyler.
"What?" I asked not caring if I sounded rude or not.
"Mackenzie I know your mad and all but I have feelings for you. From the moment I met you at the mall I knew I was going to fall for you and knowing you were Austin's hurt. Like hell mackenzie. I really, really, really, like you okay? And I'm sorry for making you feel all awkward earlier." Tyler said sitting on my floor, his back to me.
"Tyler?" I asked sheepishly. He turned around and looked at me. "I really like you too and being Austin's hurt me too. A lot. But I just don't know if I'm ready to date anyone right now. I'm really sorry."
"It's okay and ill wait as long as you need, but know this, I would never ever hurt you the way Austin did. Ever." Tyler said smiling at me. I got out from under my blankets and I sat down next to him.
"That kiss though was amazing." I said quietly.
"Yeah it was." He said leaning in and so did I. Our lips connected and it was better than our first kiss.
"Mackenzie?" I heard a pained voice say. I scrambled out of Tyler's arms and looked at who it was. Robert. He looked like he was about to cry.
"Robbie what's wrong?" I asked wanting to cry because my best friend was going to cry.
"Don't ever call me that again!" Robert yelled running out of my room and down the stairs. I got up and chased after him.
"Robert?!" I yelled but he was already in his car driving away. I wiped the tears from my face and walked back inside.
"I'm I'm sorry guys but you all need to leave." I said looking at the floor. Everyone nodded, packed up their stuff and walked out the door to their respected cars. I sulked up to my room and laid down under all my sheets again crying my eyes out. I picked up my phone and started to type my message.
'Robbie. I'm sorry for whatever I did. I just don't know what I did wrong. Please tell me! I miss you best friend <|3'
He replied back.
'That's the problem you think of me as your best friend and I want you to be more than that. I want to be able to protect you and hug or kiss you whenever I want.'
'Robbie I'm sorry but I just can't okay?'
'Yea but you can makeout with tyler behind Austin's back. Your nothing but a dirty whore. Don't call me robbie only the girl I met months ago could call me that and your obviously not her.'
That one hurt. I felt tears stream down my face. I was now full on sobbing.
'News flash Robert Austin cheated on me not the other way around and don't worry I won't talk to you anymore hope your satisfied.'
And with that I shut my phone off and went to sleep.

Austin's p.o.v (yeah I know I said last one but shh I needed this one.)

Three more days. Three more days! I was so excited. Three more days until I get to see my beautiful princess again. I haven't told anyone I was coming back yet. The only people that know is taylor, because she said I needed to see my family, and ed because he's leaving too. I already had a giant date planned for me and mackenzie when I got back where I would tell her. Tell her everything. That whore that I slept with I found out she was a fan, her name was Nadia. She keeps trying to call me and get back with me but I feel completely disgusted with her. I've ignored every text, call, anything of that sort that she sends me. I haven't talked with anyone from the crew since I told Alex, and that includes mackenzie. Yeah sure I've sent her good morning and goodnight messages in which she always replies back the usual. We haven't skyped, called, or facetimed in a long time. I missed seeing her but it'll all be okay in a few days because ill get to see her beautiful face again. My mahomies have been telling me she made a singing video so I decided to look at it. I watched in amazement. She could sing! When I get back down to Miami I'm going to show it to my record label and see if they'll sign her. I mean c'mon she already had over a million views! She should be signed.

~don't freakin kill me. I know. I know. I'm a horrible person for putting you all through this but :P <that's me sticking my tongue out at you all. <3 youuuuuu!

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