Chapter 16

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Should you be moving around that much-yoi?" Marco asked as I exercise a bit on deck.

'I can't stay on bed all day.' I said through a paper. Many of the crew were near, playing cards, making bets, some even were already drinking, in the middle of the day. 'Pirates' I thought rolling my eyes.

"But that book said, you would be having cramps."


'Don't read those'

"It was very interesting-yoi." He said nodding his head.

"I was even thinking of spending they day with you in bed, with my hand on your stomach, to keep you warm." He said sighing in disappointment.

'I don't usually feel much pain, even if I do, I don't like staying in bed.'

"Even if that bed has me in it-yoi?"

I'm not going to answer that, I know he likes flirting, but when I flirt back, he would say, 'You're still hurt-yoi.'

"Why can I hear your thought from here-yoi?" He said chuckling.

Pulling me to his chest, he leaned down and whispered, "I promise this time when your period is over, I'm going to worship your body day and night."

I flinched when he suddenly bit my ear.

I suddenly heard a whistle from beside us, making me turn my head, Thatch and the others were looking at us with a smirk. But Marco, he didn't even hide how he was groping my butt.

Letting out electricity, Marco let go as he hissed in pain, making the crew laugh at his misery.

I walked towards the railing and looked out the open sea, enjoying the sight when suddenly a familiar flag could be seen in sight making me internally curse.

'I'm going back to your room.' I quickly write and shoved to Marco's face before walking away.


A moment later, Marco joined me inside, he saw me looking at a book I had found, something about phoenix. "Is something the matter-yoi?" He said leaning down to kiss my temple.

"I hate those pigs"

"The celestial dragon? I was surprised you notice them so far away."

"But doesn't the marine, work under them directly sometimes-yoi?" He asked.

"I'm with Gramps, the both of us usually aren't assigned to guard them."

"Gramps doesn't respect them and I hate them." I said as Marco pulled the book I was reading away, and picking me up, he laid me down on the bed together with him.



"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to-yoi"

"My brother.. he was killed by them." As I said those words, I could feel Marco froze for a moment.

"Ace and Luffy didn't saw it, but I-I-"

"I knew he wasn't happy going back to that place. But I didn't know he would set sail on his own."

"That day, he had sail in front of the celestial dragon's ship and was shot on the spot."

"I probably would have attack if Gramps didn't stop me."


"I'm sorry I had you remember this." Marco said pulling me even closer to him. I buried my head in his chest as I hugged him back.

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