Chapter 17

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'Logia-Logia.. Dark-Dark Fruit..'

Where was it?

I was now at the library searching detail for the devil fruit, if I knew what abilities it gives, I can probably think of the reason Blackbeard wanted it. What was Teach full name again? I forgot to asked Marco.

'My request for a private Denden Mushi hasn't been approved yet.'

'Fuck those old geezers.'

I used to say I didn't need one because I don't actually talk. But when I started being together with Marco, I requested one, but Gramps forbid it. He saw through me. I was going to call one and only one person after all. And it wasn't even for work.

What did I even expect?

But trying wasn't hurting anyone.

As I look around the shelves, I was surprised when someone bump into me. "I'm-I'm sorry."

The girl was crawling on the floor looking for something, a recruit? No, an officer.

I looked beside my leg to see a pair of rectangular glasses with red frames. Picking it up, I placed it in front of her. "Oh, thank you"

After she wore it, she stood up, and gasped. "Vice-Admiral (Y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am" She said bowing her head. I tapped her shoulder so she would look at me. 'And you are?' She looked at my writing after leaning her head close to it.

"Oh-right-Yes, Ma'am, I'm Tashigi, rank Master Chief Petty officer, soon to be station at Logue Town."

Logue Town? With Smoker?

'No need to be so nervous'

"Oh, okay, Ma'am!" I sweat-dropped looking at her serious expression.

'Send my regards to Smoker.' I said giving her a small nod and was about to turn around when she continued.

"Um, excuse me, can I-can I talk to you, Vice-Admiral?" She said sounding a bit flustered.

"I'm actually a big fan of you" She declared.

"I saw you once before becoming a marine myself."

Okay she started rambling, but it wasn't annoying, I guess. I'm turning soft, I rarely get angry nowadays, well, it's tiring to get angry.

'I want to see Marco.'


As Tashigi continued to talk, she had offered to bring some of the books that I still want to read to my office, excitedly in fact. Giving me a salute, she thanks me again and head off somewhere. Not long after I sat down, an officer came inside my office.

"Vice-Admiral (Y/n), I apologize for the disturbance, Ma'am."

'State your business.'

"Yes, Ma'am. I have brought a Denden Mushi from Vice-Admiral Garp." Hearing his word, I quickly stand up and walk towards the officer. I lift both my hands up, signaling him to put it in my hand, but he suddenly cough making me raise a brow.

'Thank you, you may leave.' I wrote on a piece of paper after he gave me.

I turned around and quickly sat back down as I admired the Denden Mushi that has been customized. 'Right, Marco' I have memorized his number after that one time I had went out to find them and got lost after forgetting to bring his Vivre Card.

It was a disaster, I didn't know where I was after landing on the island when I realized I didn't bring his Vivre Card. Luckily the island was affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirates and the village head had a mean of contact with the Whitebeard Pirates.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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