Chapter 14

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I'm going to do a short time skip just before game night, since otherwise every chapter starts at breakfast....

The chapter starts when Wanda enters the living room.

Maria, Carol and Natasha are already there.


Wandas PoV:

Carol, Natasha and Maria were already sitting in front of the TV when I entered the room.

I sat down next to Natasha and put an arm around her. She turned to me.

"Hey Wanda, we're playing Mario Kart right now. If you like you can play the next cup. We don't have to sit out until the others join us. Ok?" she explained and kissed me briefly.

"Yes. Understood. I'll watch you guys play this round and then I'll finish you off," I laughed.

"Only you think so," Carol replied, boxing me lightly.

They started the last race and I watched the others playfully tease each other.

"Won," Maria laughed, putting down the controller.

"Wow. that race was good, Maria," I said, smiling appreciatively at her.

"what about me?" exclaimed Natasha, kissing me. "Didn't I do a good job?"

"Oh, Natasha. Of course, you did great too."

"Grab a controller, Wanda. We're about to start the next game," Carol interrupted.

"Okay, thanks. When is Pepper coming and when are the others coming?", I asked Carol.

"Yelena, we don't know. she said she was going on a date...with a Sophie, I think. Pepper has another meeting and Tony should be coming here soon with Steve and Vision," she explained.

I grabbed a controller and Carol started the round.

"Naaaaat, stop with the red turtles, it's so mean," I groaned in annoyance as Natasha hit me for the 4th time. I had actually managed to hold first place through the first two laps of the race.

"No, little witch. That's how the game works and when I'm 2nd and you're first, my dear, I'm going to dump you," Nat grinned.

"Carol!" exclaimed Maria.

"Yes, Maria? What's wrong?" asked Carol innocently.

"It's my third place! Stop trying to steal it from me!" shouted Maria.

"I won!", I laughed. "I told you I'd take you all down."

"Yeah, yeah. That was beginner's luck," Natasha replied, grinning.

"And I let you win," Maria smiled.

After I also won the 2nd and 3rd round, nobody believed in my "beginner's luck" anymore.

"Hey guys, I made it too," a happy voice rang out and Pepper came into the room.

"Pepper!", I said happily and hugged her.

After Natasha, Carol and Maria hugged her as well, I handed off my controller.

"Here Pepper, you can run the last race for me. The others don't want to play with me anymore.... I'm too good," I laughed.

"You're not that good now," Natasha teased.

"Then explain my victories," I laughed.

"You're cheating. Simple as that. You're manipulating our minds... That calls for punishment. But not until later.", Natasha explained.

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