Alexander Part 3

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Training day. I wake up with determination. Not that the police won't do anything. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth again. I call the police for an update and to no surprise it's nothing. I go to our room to move the bed. underneath the bed is a floorboard I installed for whenever I got my powers so I could figure out how to fight better. I rip up the floorboard and see boxes upon boxes of material that I saved over the years. I didn't do anything recently as the internet has gotten way to censored with a guy named Digital who is a literal computer code human who looks for people who try to use old videos to find out peoples weaknesses. Terrorists and other vagrants who intrude on daily life. Thank god I did this before he came to be.

My first box is for learning how to use powers since the Chinese government has used the dud card guy quite a lot they have to show how new people how to use their powers. I pull out video tape one which looks quite good for being under my floorboards for 2 years.  Abby told me to throw them out but I hid them. I pull out the VCR/CD hybrid player and grab tape #1 in which is simply labeled "Power use." I look at my tv. It's probably going to make the image look like garbage but since I know it had subtitles I should be able to grasp what he's saying. I Then realize that my phone and my other things at home could be an indicator when I click play.

So I need an older tv. As well as a room where I won't be heard without my cellphone or any sort of listening devices. I take the box which I was going to listen in the bedroom in into the basement. We never even touch this place because Abby is disabled but I guess it will serve a new purpose. Thankfully I had a small crt Tv I had in one of our closets. That one was a pain to argue about. I lug the thing down the stairs and place it on the floor.  I wipe the sweat off of my head and place a box down to then lift up the tv. 

I go back upstairs to grab a notebook and a pencil. a few canisters of lead and a pen just in case. I put back the floorboard seal so I can watch them another time. I connect the VCR to the tv and put in the first tape. I rewind it to make sure it works then click play. It shows the Chinese government symbol. Then it shows the dud card guy. He starts speaking but the subtitles appear which is the only thing I really care about. 

Hello ( insert name here )  you have been chosen to fight against the United front of the world. What's more you decided to use one of my cards to become a symbol to help fight our enemies. Now before you get too eager we have to first show you what you will do with your card. I fast forward. I don't need to hear this part. I resume when he puts the card away. 

So now you have put down your power and are ready to fight. here's how to do it! It shows a blank screen with he number 1 and some mandarin which didn't get subtitled. To activate your power stand up like I am and clear your mind. I follow suit in his command. Now imagine a Dog eating a taco. I look at the subtitle again. "Dog eating a taco?" I say to myself. he proceeds "Think of you as the dog and you want that juicy taco. 

Eating too much is deadly but too little is dissatisfying. you want to get the amount of the taco you eat to be just enough so that your power doesn't go haywire and when you are skilled enough you can take the whole taco all at once. I guess that makes sense I think to myself. I pause the tape. Dog eating a taco Dog eating a taco. I visualize a beagle running up for a taco and eating a small bite. I open my eyes and....nothing happens. 

I look at myself. I can feel my power like an aura. I have a power. Why is it acting like that? I picture the dog again. The beagle goes in for all the taco. devouring it all. I open my eyes to feeling really weird. Upon trying to move my right side I realize I cant move it at all. Then I look at my left side to see my body is all wavy. I start to freak out. I shouldn't have just went all in. My left hands fingers start moving like my bones aren't even there. They're all wavy like a jellyfish swimming in the ocean.

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