Alexander Part 5

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I had a really good day with my nieces as well as Barnaba and Simon. My nieces aren't in a good place right now. they're only 18 and 16 so it's not like they can really go anywhere. My brother in law is struggling raising both of them. It's hard being a single father. He only gets about 1 week off a year. He runs a restaurant all by himself. He's a kind man but has been distant ever since my sister died. I try reaching out to him once and a while but thing like that just need time.

My power use has stagnated however. All I can do is turn into a half and half blob of a human. I could only get one time where I could move my right side independently and didn't need my left side activated. I only took a step then got stuck again. I also have run into the problem of I wake up and I used my power in my sleep and my pillows and blankets are stuck to my face and I can't rip them off. If I sneeze once and a while my power activates. Thank god I'm not at work right now or I'd be seen all the time using my powers. It's weird. I watched a few other videos by the Dud card guy. 

He says it takes a few months for you body to adjust to the fact your body has to add regulations so your body doesn't end up killing you. It's like if you got another arm and your body needs to learn to the motions and blood pumping and all that jazz. I actually had the video of fantasias death on my vhs player and yeah that hotdog cart really did kill her. I have never felt so disturbed in my life. So the next step is to go to The 3 gang. Someone like Jayson love would definitely find out my powers immediately. There's a law that people who have powers have to use their powers in military service. 

Since I technically missed the date I am breaking the law. They are serious about this law and punished even minor people like teeth, who all he did was not want to fight and established a private practice with dentistry with his teeth powers. He is still in the service and the guy is 43. Granted what I am doing probably will be a lot worse. I don't remember the extent of the laws but honestly Card users are second class citizens, unless they have money or had a fighting power. Not that people and families of them don't think it's cool. A bunch of people are rightfully fearful of people just going loose and killing or raping whoever they wanted. 

It's not as bad here for people with powers due to individuality but in Europe they are persecuted way more. Plus they have no guns or anything either. I sit on my floor and meditate. A dog eating a taco. My beagle starts to slowly eat it, I try to get it halfway. My body starts to stiffen on my right side. I think about him stopping to eat and I can't get my arm to move again. No matter how hard I shove or how hard I think it just sits there suspended in space. I guess it's a good defense but I have to move eventually. 

I think to myself start small. I try and twitch my finger. that's it just twitch the finger. I concentrate. The only though the only need in my universe is to twitch that finger. I clear my mind. Think of the dog. Not as a violent eater but one who takes his time. Nothing. I try again. There is nothing in this world aside from this finger. Nothing at all. Just move the finger. it's under my control. Nothing. I deactivate my ability. 

"ARGGGGGGGGH! you stupid power!" "Just twitch I didn't ask for leveling cities or anything just twitch a stupid finger!" I go upstairs after my angry outburst to get some food. You might be asking yourself why I don't just go and look for examples in the media for how people use that power, since there are some comic book heros who can do what I can. Along with censorship most comic books and things with powers have been censored or outright destroyed as a way to prevent people who would get a card now to find one that could rule them all.

Not that that stops the U.S. from stockpiling nor China from buying all of our comics and manga. So there's nothing else aside from what I saved prior to Digital. My notebook helps a bit but honestly it isn't that helpful. It's what your mind was thinking at the time of writing or so I've heard. How could a man remember what happened 7 years ago.... its ludicrous to even think that. I just wrote down a few ideas and have concepts on what i want to do with my powers. 

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