Cards Finale

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Jayson and Alex stand in a field. it's barren only trees and rocks remain. it's late 2060. Alex has already constructed many fortresses with many of his own kids who are only subservient to him. Jayson has struggled to keep humanity alive with only a very small amount willing to fight against Alex in any way. The rest are now enslaved and put into camps or breeding facilities which Alex kills once unable to reproduce.

Alex: Before we fight I will not allow my greatest foe to go into the afterlife without properly speaking his mind. Alex sits down on a rock which happened to be there. He creates a rock for Jayson and motions him to sit. Jayson looks at Alex knowing it's been years and just wants the fighting to end.

Jayson is reluctant but doesn't know what to do anyways since Speed was killed and now Jayson would have to kill Alex himself quick enough. out of options for the time being he starts to talk. 

You're evil. The purest form. Anyone committing your level of murder and yet will murder people for such petty crimes as vandalism. It is pure. I hate you. I hate you because you we're so much better. you were a man who never gave up hope, never would give into doubt or sadness. I really hate that you have regressed into what I once was. A evil vindictive mini dictator who was only bent on world domination. 

You want my opinions on what else Alex? 

Alex: What is your idea for a perfect society? Jayson without a second thought starts talking. One where people do not have to fear, where they are given their second chances and able to turn their lives around. Where they have choices. Where their not all dead.

Alex: What's the limit? Who is redeemable? Jayson: Everyone is. Alex looks puzzled "Everyone? Everyone ever who murdered someone is just okay to walk and prance around back into society again? Can you not hear your words? Jayson: You it was your words that showed me even the worst people can be redeemed. Alex: That isn't me. Jayson: It is...but you don't want to admit it. That you were wrong. That even after killing all these people I know the same person who changed me and killed himself to stop you is in there and he, that you can change again.

Alex: Do you believe that? Wholeheartedly? That the world is made of rainbows? That people can just change? So it was okay for you to rape and steal and kill thousands but If I kill billions that's one step to far. Jayson: No it's just a bad step. You can change. You have an ability most would dream of. You can cure cancer you can build such magnificent things. You have changed from a man who cured cancer to a man who gives it out.

Alex: You're just unable to see. I see the world for what it is. I know it is harsh but the world must be purged of all the weak, the unhealthy, the morbidly obese. The addicts the useless the crippled the retarted. If we don't society will just blow itself up. We can't waste our resources on people who don't care. Can't you see? 

Jayson: You could have cured them of that. You chose a lazy vengeful path that I once chose. one that leaves you hollow. You think raising kids how you want will make them be obedient to you? Give me a break. You think they will be just as heartless and evil and purge the rest of society? Alex: If they are smart yes. Jayson: Smart you say? It's not about smarts it's what makes us human. I know you Alex I've seen you with animals. Do you not help a dying animal in t's final moments? Do you not? Have you not on numerous occasions?

Alex:....Animals are different. An animal doesn't shoot heroin into their arm, rob a store and murder someone only  to be given amnesty in jail for the rest of their wasteful life. An animal is what it is. It is unaware, yet knows. We dilute our ideas of thought into ones that make no sense. Why would you save a man who is retarted if he is eaten by a lion? everyone would run away. 

Jayson: Your wife was crippled and you loved her the same. Alex: Did. It was decades ago at this point. Why should I care? What is your point? Jayson: So you give her a chance and not others? very hypocritical is it not? Alex: I'll play your game. She was intelligent. she never defined her life as a crippled woman. never not once in our entire love life, and I don't even remember her talking about it even when she was quadriplegic. Oh wait she couldn't talk then.

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