Alexander Part 7

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I awake to see a guy with a gun pointed at me. It's Expression. I look and see Mind-Talker. I assume Invisible is around somewhere. Expression looks at me deep in the soul. "Kid I have a few questions." "Some guy just came to our house a guy who in 7 years I've never even heard of or knew existed." "So how do you know more than I do?" "was your dad or mom in political circles or something?" I haven't said anything yet. 

I respond "My girlfriend, my soon to be wife was taken from me. I know it may not look like it but being where I am gets you very powerful allies." I did a surgery for one of those guys and he gave me this business card about 4 years ago." "He told me he was a man who could get things done, whatever you want. Assassination murder kidnapping but you wouldn't remember it." I've been down and out for 3 months at this point. I got desperate" So I looked at the card called the phone number and after I did he just asked me what the job was."

I just said "my girlfriend was kidnapped and I wanted her back." he asked me for my name I said my name and that after he was done he'd erase my memory of him but really I didn't care....all I want is my girlfriend back I don't give a shit if he breaks every bone in my body as payment." "I don't care if he were to..." "Enough." Expression says. "Okay kid that's all I need to know on that." "Do you have this card anymore?" He asks calmly. "No, he definitely took it and even erased all contact off of my phone." " I couldn't even  tell you the phone number if you were to shoot me." This isn't even a lie I think to myself. 

Expression looks confused. "So you being this neurosurgeon, they just give you these gifts?" "he knew this guy then?" I respond back "Yes. I'm one of the few people on earth who can do the brain surgeries I do, normal non wealthy people don't come to me." "Look I know you'd shoot me but sometimes the wealthy pay me on the side to recommend their case first over more poorer families." Me and the guy who schedules the surgeries do it." "it's against the Hippocratic oath but I know the Hippocratic oath won't stop that gun from killing me." 

"Smart answer kid." "Could you get a copy of these records?" The guy you hired is a very interesting guy." "He could be a shakeup for our business." "We'd even help out this Gas-Mask guy." "Does this guy have a name?" I take in his questions. "I don't think the coping of records would work. He probably-no definitely has a guy who can erase memories. Maybe even an ability to erase camera feeds or has one that erases his trace of exitance because now that you say things like that I can't even remember where I called him from." I take a second to breathe. "I'll still get it for you I'm just warning you that I'm not some clod who would forget something like that." "Number 2 Interesting how?" "Number 3 I don't think he wants help." "I only ever said find my girlfriends and my name. My case was never even in the paper." "For his name. I have no idea, name him whatever you like."

He Looks angry like I know I'm leading him on and I get that but why does he want this guy so bad? If I got my house broken into I'd just stop there. How weird.  "I also was instructed that I have to find that gas mask." Expression turns back in an "you better tell me what I need or I'll kill you look". "He put on a piece of paper that I have to sew him a costume and find him a gas mask or he wouldn't work for me." "That's honestly all I know." expression seemed to at least accept that answer though he didn't look to happy. 

"So he's gonna ask you for a new one right?" Expression asks. "I have no idea. If you found me he may be trying to lay low for a while, he never said anything about timeframe or payment. I must have just been redeeming a very special item." "It could be his M.O. I really have no idea here man...I'm at a loss same as you are." Expression asks more questions. "So this guy what if we found your girlfriend before Gas-Mask?" "Have you made anything else for him, do you remember anything at all about him? even a scrap of information would help."

I shrug. "would I get my- I pull up the bunny ears "favor" back? "Yes" expression says. "You're asking the only other person probably on earth who could possibly know." "even if I did I don't want to kill anyone." "I'd probably just ask for a card or something. ask for money." " I don't know. and honestly I don't want to know either, this is all I want from it. I'd probably burn the thing I already have most of what I want in life." I go on to his second question "Look the only thing I know is I remembered that card I went and made a phone call made the suit and found the gas mask and boom." Here we are. Expression lowered his gun "Don't call the police or- I cut him off "I'm not an idiot I wouldn't do anything like call the police I just had a bad dream is all. I start to go back into my covers. 

Expression leaves "good answer kid." He walks out and I hear a car drive away. I sigh relief. Invisible is probably here just to check I don't call the police. I say out to nowhere in particular " look if you are gonna snoop in my house just break my phone or something. I just want to sleep in peace." Invisible responds by breaking my phone and laptop and hands me quite a few hundreds to replace them. "Thank you for your cooperation." I heard the door close and some distant berating going on. Probably Invisible being yelled at. I go back to sleep. 

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