Alexander Part 6

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It's been 2 months since I started this investigation. I peek through my binoculars to see Mind-Talker. See his ability is actually pretty bad. All he can do is put thoughts in your head. he can't read your mind or anything. Still though he walks around with guards almost all  of the time. about 6 currently. He goes up to one guy he met there and looks at him probably talking to him in his head.Then he tells his people what details need to be for whatever explicit or illegal activity they need and that guy does the crime.

I'm currently 50 feet away in the roof of an abandoned building. Stalking. He's quite an idiot to be honest. He uses the same car everyday goes to the same house, sees his wife and kids. This is my first attempt to try and interrogate him. I grab onto the wall and slowly crawl down. I know where he's going next so I jump from roof to roof following him. they don't really need anyone supervising as they're so connected to organized crime. I am also disguised in a full leather suit and a gas mask that covers everything. I even put a piece of plastic molding of someone else's jaw underneath it so I wouldn't be identified. I clean the suit of all fingerprints prior to going out.

I have gained a little bit of control over my power but it's a class d- power right now. I can move with my power going but if I lose focus I start to stiffen again and my left side is more solid. So I can climb up walls and do a few cool things but nothing to serious. I also have started project recreate to make a clone of me. I only have a small pinky growing right now. It grows independent of me as of right now. That took A month and a half just for a pinky however and there's no guarantee it will work.  

Mind-Talker parks at his house after dispersing from the guards.  I guess he thinks he's unattachable or there's a silent agreement that he doesn't get touched. It could be as the few things I watched about tv or heroes anymore shows it like its a wwe match or something. All fake. But that can't be it right? really not all of this could be fake....could it. Seeing that happen firsthand it is starting to seem like it does. The other guy was some c tier card user....couldn't remember the name but faces I remember better. 

Mind-Talker is in the house now. Now it begins. I slowly creep up to the house, this guy only has one of those doorbell camera things. I don't need to go through the front door or anything so I start the tedious process of going all the way around to the back of the house. He has a big shrubbery and then he has a fence mixed in. I climb the fence no powers and jump into the backyard. I double check to see anything looking at me and see nothing. I triple check by putting on night vision and see no cameras. I stalk over to the house.

Once I get to the backdoor I use my power in 1st gear and my left hand to destroy the doorknob. Afterwards I start touching everything with my right hand. Ground, windows, plants, grass, barbecue, anything that could get you out of the house. I then wait about 15 minutes for my ability to affect the exterior of the house. Now only I should be able to move anywhere. I decide to make my move. I slowly open the door to see Mind-Talker's wife touching the front door, frozen in place. Their kids are with them. It's quite a sight to see. Like I froze time or something. 

Still Mind-Talker isn't with them. I slowly check the perimeter making sure to reactivate my right side and touch everything I've touched with my left. Going upstairs I see 3 doors. I see a door opened slightly and touch it. It violently opens and Mind-Talker bumps into me. Thank God it was my right side or he could have been obliterated. He has clicked something on his desk. Looks like a button. I touch him with my left hand but touch his legs with my right. 

"Who the FUCK are you?" He points at me. "Why can't I move my FUCKING legs!?" I hold a piece of paper at him. made of newspaper clippings and the like. He reads it. "No I don't know who that woman is." He continues and mumbles a bit. "ble ble ble...yes I have seen that guy in the picture." He points to the 7 foot tall man. "That's definitely our ex enforcer name of uh...." he snaps his fingers. "God damn I know it." "Uh Kane. Kane that's it." "He's some guy with a card too, but you already know that don't you Jayson?" 

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