Alexander Part 9

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I finally tracked them down. It's been a while a long while. I've been waiting for this day. My "clone" is now fully grown. I call him number 2. It makes things easier. I have way more control over my power now. I open the wall by walking through it and closing it with my right. Kane and Abby we're in a bed in breakfast in Saskatchewan Canada. Apparently Kane has a Passport to live here. 

Abby changed her name. Couldn't do anything about the appearance of being in a wheelchair however. Once I was done looking in the United states I easily found her just one country to my north. After this wall it's just a few guards and then it's those two. A guard points a gun at me. "Get back! You Gas-Masked freak!" He shoots 6 bullets in rapid succession. they all stick to my suit which I've named sticky body. I grab the bullet and flip it around. I let it fire off in a random direction. I touch the guy with my arm so he cannot move anymore. The other guars put their hands up. 

I place them in "stasis" I viciously kick down the door. It cracks with ease. Kane and Abby freeze  up not believing that a guy in a gas mask would attack them. Oh no not them. they probably think. oh how could weeee be in trouble we never did anything wrong! I pull out my papers and show them to Abby. Abby reads it. "HA." "Yeah you'd think I'd go back with that looser?" "I'll admit I feel sad I didn't get to tell him but honestly that guy was just such a drag." 

I point to the same letters "come with me your boyfriend is worried." "Tell him I ain't interested." I point again. "Fine I get you probably want an explanation to give to Alex or the money he paid you wouldn't be worth squat so fine here's what it is." "He was just boring after 6 years." "I tried but I don't want a guy like him." "I wanted a man, Danger, Passion." "He was just some looser that hangs out with old people at nursing homes." "Look some women like that but he was just so grating after a while." "Did you know he made me go to the same ice cream store for our entire relationship?" "he has got to be the most boring pathetic person I ever met." "There Gas mask guy did you get that?" 

I take off my mask. "I can't-I can't.....believe you. I thought you were dead." Abby doesn't know what to say. I grab Abby. I thought I wanted you but now, you make me sick. I was only ever nice to you! I WASTED months training with my power to save you! I did nothing but do this for you!" I was going to believe that you were kidnapped or something but no you deserve pain." I've let people like you ruin my life for too long!" I grab her and violently throw her on the kitchen table.

I put her back up and rip her clothes off. "I'm not going to rape you before you ask." "I have used my power to heal dogs." Did you know that I can fix people's spines now?" "Yeah it's really easy." "Do you want to know what's even easier?" I smoothly move my hands up to the top of her spine. "Paralyzing people." I break her back. She now becomes a quadriplegic. I break it in such a way surgery would never fix the damage. "NO!" Abby yells "WHY!" "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" 

I see Kane. If fear could be in the Webster dictionary it would be a picture of his face. Kane just says "Please man please don't do that to me." "I'm a fucking asshole but I don't deserve that." He's at least honest. I grab his arm and cleanly slice it off. I regenerate his stub so now he has no arm. I do this to the other arm and his legs. "YOU INSANE FUCK!" I then go to his eyes and blind him. I go to his ears and make him deaf. To seal the deal I Destroy his vocal cords. 

I point at him and look at Abby. "See?" "He's still alive, but honestly deserve to at least see what happens to you. I make her deaf and destroy her vocal cords. I make one half of her mouth useless so she can't use it to use a pencil or anything. "Sianara Abby!"

I put my mask back on and walk away. I look at all of them standing. I give them a paper and move them toward Abby and Kane. "If you tell the police within 3 days I will do the same to you." I give them a chance to speak. "Yes Oh god we will do anything!" I walk away knowing I'll at least get 3 days to go back to the U.S. I feel like a weight has been lifted! I normally wouldn't have gotten that violent but last week changed me.

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