Mini Update

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So I have to take a mini break...I wrote 7000 words in one day. So will update on what the story is and it's conclusion and what I will do later. The main point is to turn this book into a Graphic Novel. It's what I have had as a major problem as drawing a guy walking somewhere now turns into describing so much upon each other. 

I do have a system set up where the Cards Side storyverse? is pretty much all separated all one off stories with little or no references to the main story. So that can be just whenever I want to write I just write. 

So Alex is pretty much done for the time being. I am trying to now focus on Jayson Love at the moment. I thought I would feel more inspired but I need some time to think it over. What will happen is #2 goes absolutely genocidal and starts killing everyone he thinks is a waste of space. Jayson after turning good in a way I can't think of yet, pleads and begs for #1 to stop #2 from killing everyone. #1 is unfazed but eventually agrees to it. 

#1 theorizes that since he's the one with powers originally he can just kill himself but he fist wants to talk to #2. This is where it gets philosophical and that is what I need to articulate without being preachy. I have many many many thoughts on life and who is worth and who is not and I want to keep it in a way that people can walk away really thinking about it. Who is right?

Alex who thinks all waste should just be killed and start over into a brutal near dictatorship with only bloodshed and constant enslavement of weaker minds or Jayson who just let's humanity ride the tide so to speak and doesn't want to interfere at all? Both are bad and good in their own ways. 

After the debate #1 sees how awful #2 really is and kills himself by punching through his head with his left hand. #2 is alive and kicking. He destroys Jayson's body and realizes from research that Jayson has to be a big ugly monster which causes him to be even more insane in his need to destroy. He starts to destroy all power lines in the world knowing it will kill Jayson.

This is now a awful dreadful point in humanity. #2 and above start just tearing through city after city and the world as we know it starts to crumble. He goes from continent to continent destroying what remaining armies are remaining on earth through a period of 3/4 years. He keeps some people just as breeding factories to take their babies away from them to raise them in the way he wants away from the old world.

Jayson being so large and needing power is on the ropes. He in a last ditch effort moves to a island in the south pacific and terraforms it, his only hope is that Alex never comes over to him. He creates a virus that targets Alex's genetic makeup itself and will destroy him faster than he can regenerate. He also has counter ops with the remnants of humanity that stick together and don't want to be breeding factories that get torn away from their kids. 

#2 also kills people after they can't give birth or if they give birth to special needs kids. After many years of skirmishes ( I'm thinking that The babies that Alex stole are now Teenagers/ young adults.) Jayson Approaches Alex in a last ditch effort to same humanity. Speed kills every single Alex aside from #2 but is killed by #3 and dies before getting to #2 and they look at each other. 

Alex as a final though posits that even if Jayson were to win Alex has written and raised so much of these kids they'd never accept giving help to their parents who to them are the scum of the earth. Let alone people who Alex has rammed into their heads at a  young age to never help or trust them. His will will survive and destroy the last of humanity anyway so why Jayson is even bothering is completely pointless.

Jayson's final remark is that if even Alex someone who had everything taken from him was willing to kill themselves that these children will change. They have a heart they can change Alex is just to blind to see it.

They both begin to fight and the book ends before any real conclusion to the fight can be drawn. I like endings like these. It's why people will always remember the thing more than if they knew who survived. So yes that's the main story. I will update later when my eyes aren't bleeding from typing so much.

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