Jayson Love Part 1

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A man claps. "introducing the new face in black empowerment "Jayson Love!" The crowd cheers and the cameras pan to Jason, As well as a few other prominent African American speakers. The audience claps again. 'Now first question goes to...you Jason." I try to look interested. "Jayson how would you fix the numerous ghettos in the united states?" I think to myself. 

I say with little hesitation "Glass it all. Or you could make welfare illegal and sterilize people's kids who shouldn't have had any in the first place." "CUT!" "Jayson what the hell was that? You're the smartest black man in the world you're supposed to inspire kids to get out of poverty not tell them to commit suicide!" "I'm not the smartest black man." "I am the smartest man." I give him the finger. "If I wasn't getting all this government money I wouldn't do this trite at all."

"Why don't you just give me your happy sappy do good because I just happen to have black skin I'm important script and stop letting me freeball then?" I finish my sentence then look up to show I don't care about this. It's really annoying. All everyone says is how it's so wonderful a black man is the smartest on earth. It's a curse. Knowledge is a curse. It was 6 months ago. I had the Card and I planned on using it for something noble. to change the world. to lead mankind into a new world. Now look at it. World annihilation at a lobal scale due to me working with Cardseeker and stealing from poorer countries. 

However I am also trapped. They force me to do these inane boring tasks. I have to bee seen as a playboy as a sex icon as a black leader. Why can't I go to the ghettos and show them that being an intellectual is a good way to escape their poverty ridden lives? That they should stay together with their families. That they need to stop glorifying criminals. They just want to use me as a black stereotype. I even get called Uncle Tom for being the way I am.

The interviewer hands me a script. "Is this better Tommy?" That's what the black community has resorted to calling me since I won't freely give out my hard work to them. Or some such nonsense about killing whites yada yada." I really hate having to talk about it so much. It grates on my soul. The camera starts again. "I believe that every Millionaire should be forced to have at least 25 black people in their houses." "CUT!" "Jayson read that script! You're not going to say anything about millionaires, say stuff about white middle class and upper class people." The director barks at me.

I relent. I can't keep arguing with this brick wall. The camera rolls again "I believe that  all white people should do their part in alleviating the problems of the black community." "CUT!" I heard him yell yet again. "Make it more black and we'll be good." I slam my hand down on the table. "You racist piece of shit!" I get up "I'm done I'll get a better PR manager. One who doesn't judge me based on my skin tone." I start to walk out when I see American walking in. "Dude why don't you just do what he says and leave?" American query's. I look ahead of him while walking. "because I'm not some looser who's power is dependent on the government." I dodge to the right and American misses.

"I told you smartest man alive." You couldn't hit me If I gave you a trillion dollars and a trillion years." I boast. American the man lacking in intelligence most of all attempts another go in hitting me but I dodge yet again. "See." I walk away and say. I click a button on my wrist to get the Love Machine. The pr team says we can't call it that and i need to rename it to the "Jayson Love armor mk 1. What an awful name. Love machine grabs onto me and I fly away. Fly to my mansion. 

When I land on the ceiling I see many people outside my gates. holding sighs such as Cure cancer now, give us what we deserve, all uncle toms must die. I activate my houses defense system and for once I'd love to just shoot them all. people who don't work and stand outside all day deserve to die. I click open my to do list from the government. I am now the property of the United states military pretty much, making weapons and the like. The American is only able to use his powers because of me, I don't tell him this because it would be a blow to the united states' military power. 

I have already cured cancer and many other disease but I can't release them in any capacity. Big pharma has said that I can't. This is basically what happens all day. I create a car that has a battery life of 3 months on a single charge. Can't release it it would effect big automakers. I try and release anti addiction medicine to help people get over severe drug addictions. Can't do that it effects drug companies. It's made me bitter honestly. Knowing I can do so much more but am straddled with near enslavement. I'm lucky I was never put in prison like the rest of them. Only ones that can fight are let go which is why I am the leader.

We call ourselves Patriotic Front. It consists of me Arachnid, Speed, Strength, Shrink or The Shrink whatever people want to call him. Marksman and Lover. Why do a superteam when I can build super structures to house people? There is one teensy tiny catch however. You see my Card gave me super intelligence and you know I needed a weakness. Well I was inspired by a comic and I turned myself into a hideous 30 foot large headed man. This isn't really me. I am just controlling it through my thoughts. I can't leave since there is a needle preventing me from using my robots and androids to escape. 

Very few people know about this. I see that there's another problem. Countries now calling themselves the Allies have declared themselves enemies against the United States and other countries for stealing their cards. I pull up the feed and see the U.N. footage. I speed through it since I can understand information quicker. Seeing many factors I stop what I am doing and send a text out to my supervisor. He responds back quickly and yes now I have to go and talk out a peace deal. 

What to do What to do. I need to find a way to turn this to my advantage so I can stop being straddled with these restrictions. Perhaps enrage them? No I'd probably be killed. I ponder. I should let it stick together. See hw long the world lasts. then when it's over build my new town. I hope it will be a good talk. I fly there filled with an intense feeling of pride.

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