Alexander Part 4

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I continue looking through each box and shuffle what is and what is not important. hero's/villain's that could be that 7 foot tall person with super strength.  Here's what I compiled so far:

Fantasia: 7/8 foot amazon like female, Looked like a man and had the power to back it up. However died due to a terrible hotdog cart incident so unless brought back not a suspect. F in possibility.

Disguiser. A man who can change his appearance to anything but after an hour gets allergic to his transformation power. However could have been aided by tech and taken an appearance of someone else and have been within that 1 hour threshold. However he's in jail right now. Still he's a possibility...D.

The 3 gang. They specialize in this sort of thing. They consist of Expression, Mind Talker and Invisible. Have done many many jobs for higher level people in the social ladder including extortion, kidnapping, murder. So a kidnapping from them is possible, still it's weird that they'd go after someone like me with no real friends or enemies. B in possibility, although that's more for their connections I can ask them about.

Jayson Love. Weird I don't know how to judge his character. I do genuinely believe he doesn't think I have any powers but he seems like he could be baiting me out. However me being able to write this shows I am not a suspect. That being said he's the one investigating Abby's disappearance and is really weird. from what I remember he is a real creepshow and does whatever he wants without repercussion since he makes so many weapons. C in possibility.

 Someone at work/someone I don't know of. Pretty self explanatory since I have never really interacted with my co workers its probably a good time to start to see if someone out there would do that to me.

I guess we'll start out at Fantaisa. Start small. I continue to rummage through any of the tapes or books I saved before Digital was a thing. Nothing I want to pursue right now. I go upstairs and see I haven't been outside in a while. Both of my nieces have called me once or twice. I sigh and realize I can't keep doing this to myself so I call them back. 

"Hey." Olivia says to me. "I heard what happened." "I I don't know what to say." I simply say " I know I feel so many emotions it's crazy. One minute I'm sad the other depressed." She doesn't know what to say either. it's kind of awkward. "Could we do lunch or something with you and your sister?" I ask. "Sure what day works for...actually I'm free on Friday." I respond quickly "That works. tell Alexis I said hi." I will she says quickly. click on the cell phone and then dial tone.

We aren't really close. My sister is actually my half sister and she died a while ago. Still when she died I reconnected a little with my nieces who up until recently I only saw a few times in my life. Sweet kids. I hope nothing bad ever happens to them. With the way the world is now it's hard to see them raising kids of their own. 

I go to my desk to get my car keys. I leave my gun at home. No need to be that paranoid. I don't know what I want. Probably just some meat. A burger. Whatever. I still haven't heard from the police in the past 3 days. It worries me. I don't want to have to fight them. I just want to solve who it is and compare notes. If i have to I will however. But I really don't want to. I space out for a few minutes thinking about random things. When I get to the fast food chain I just simply drive around and order my meal. Cheeseburger with ketchup only. 

Some people like things simple. I am one of them. A simple world is a good world. I decide doing that isn't enough socializing time so I go to the park. It's not far from where I am. I get out of the car and taste some nice fresh air. it's just right in the temperature. It's just right in the wind. A perfect day. I see some kids playing and I smile. Kids always make me smile. I guess I'm just at that age where your body is telling you to make a child. But they are just so cute. I see a kid who looks like me putting his mouth on the swing. It makes me happy to see that.

Walking around further starts to show the degradation of our parks. We've been stopping funding for parks a bit ago to support more weapons. It still looks fine enough. Not something that's so dangerous that I'd tell my own kids to stop playing on. I don't decide to run. I don't have it in me. I sit down after walking a bit of the path to see a table outside. I place my food down and start eating. It's next to a river. Seeing people fish, seeing them run along, seeing older folks walk along. 

I finish my burger so I think I can go home. I traverse the same way I went back to my car. I see a car with a Rhode island license plate. How rare is that huh. You don't see too many of those around here. I get back in my car and before I start my car I just feel hopeless again. I feel like a looser. My mood is garbage and I can't really help it. Doing this is putting a glue stick to fix a dam. I know today isn't a good day for Simon or Barbra.

What to do. I look around and I see some kids skipping rocks. I hold my hand out as if I'm stretching trying to use my powers but nothing is working. They are oblivious to what I'm doing. They continue to throw their stones, and I continue to rot. I drive home and get a phone call about 2 minutes before I'd be home so it's really annoying to grab the phone out of my pocket. I do manage to grab the stupid phone and pick it up. "Hello Mr...." I cut him off. "Just call me Alexander." "Alexander we have to inform you that we have no leads currently and are putting it as a backburner case." "We'd typically not do this so early but it's evident that only someone like Jayson Love or anyone with underworld or crime connects can help. Goodbye." The phone clicks off.

I don't even know what to say. I've heard of these before where only Card users are allowed to interfere with Card users. I'd never believe it would happen to someone like me. Maybe because I am poor? I don't even move in my car. I just have parked it and am just motionless. I glance up at the window to see myself crying. How pathetic I look. After thinking that I stop crying. I look in the mirror dead on. "No." I say. "I will succeed." "I will get her back." "It starts with me." I can't keep being a whiney baby doing this to myself. the police said they won't help me. So that means it will fall on me. I smack myself in the face one time. No more of this baby shit. I'm not gonna live my life as a sad pathetic looser anymore. I will get her back. whatever it takes. I will figure out who did it and I will make. them. pay. 

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