Alexander Part 8

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It's about 6 hours after I woke up again. I need to find that Kane guy. I also have changed my mind. Jayson would be far to dangerous. Even now he could be so smart he remembers who I am. It probably was a fluke. Lady luck Favors me however. The problem is that there aren't really any other major crime syndicates in the Midwest. Going to each individual state would take forever and I still haven't found his data for the Card user profiles I made when card users first appeared. 

I have about an eighth completed by myself  which is insanity honestly but really what other choice do I have? I have to keep looking. I grab the floorboard and grab box #2. I only finished seriously looking at everything in box one a few weeks ago. So I grab the lid and open it with ease. Multiple old tapes journals, pictures, books are all messy and in the box.

I have divided a system where I watch tapes on my downtime and read my articles for the main time of the day and split up training periodically and watch movies and workout to clear my mind. I have my phone set up like this when I'm not working. I also need to see Barbra and Simon again. They've been on my case about how I don't look healthy, how I'm obsessing about Abby and need to take a step back and live my life a little. 

They shouldn't have told me that. It's the same talk that made me turn away from my parents and become a neurosurgeon. They said I shouldn't that other people are just more smarter than you are that you really couldn't do it. Boy were they wrong. Granted I don't really have that many friends. No time really. Abby was my friend. Is. Is my friend. We do everything together. I just wish she was here. I do have leads and I know I can do something with this Kane guy. 

I can't just skip to look through his profile by the way. doing that misses the point of all the research I have done. I need to know everything. Every power every faction every loose end. It may not have even been him. There are plenty of powers that let you change appearance, illusions. Maybe a clone or a guy with a robot even. Lesser men would quit. Lesser men would have given up already. Not me. I finished organizing every book, tape and journal entry on the floor. I see how much needs to be done. Since I feel lazy I decide to watch a tape. I grab a tape that just says memories which doesn't line up with any of the others. 

Weird what does this one mean? I push it in and press play. Mom is on the tape. "Hi Alex!" I as a toddler am there chewing on some toy. "It's your second birthday and we hope you can see this when you grow up!" All my family is singing happy birthday to me. The tape shows a new scene of me when I am 7 or 8 playing baseball. I was zoomed in on picking my nose. My dad yells something and my mom is laughing. The scene skips again to my grandfathers last days before he died. It's a sad scene, he's in a nursing home. He isn't even alive at that point. just a corpse that moves around sometimes. He was nonverbal. It makes me sick seeing that.

He died because an aide dropped him. My Dad and Mom we're never the same since. There were other factors but that was the main reason for the divorce. I only saw my dad on weekends but they were both negligent towards me. I was never bad or good in school just okay. I was in a fight one day and both my mom and dad hated me for it. Like I was the devil incarnate. It wasn't even that serious but they taunted me and punished me for months after it. I don't even remember why or how the fight started.

They said I was going to end up homeless for being such a troublemaker. After years of this abuse I just had a day where I looked in the mirror and thought to myself. "How can I not turn into them? How can I stop being such a victim?" I looked in my book bag and saw that the days lesson was about the brain and there it was decided. This only brought them down on me even worse. I had to help my sister from their gross negligence. Their taunts. 

After I left the house and my sister was old enough I disconnected form my parents. I ignored them for years and years and when I was 23 I became one of the worlds youngest neurosurgeons ever. I brought back my degree and knocked on their door. When My mom opened the door I laughed at her face. I laughed at her for several minutes. She cried and shut the door. 2 years later she died, it was suicide. I never went to her funeral. I went to my dad and did roughly the same thing but he just looked sad. He only said to me "I'm so sorry I raised you that way." He closed the door and I never saw him again. He apparently died of a heart attack but I never went to his funeral either.

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