Chapter 6 - Pillow Talk

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"I'm glad that I was wrong,"

Nat reached her high with Jungkook following shortly after. Nat climbed off on top of Jungkook and lay her head on the pillow beside him. Jungkook turned on his side pulled Nat into his chest.

"That was more intense than usual," gasped Nat

"Yeah," gasped Jungkook "Was it okay for you?"

"More than okay. It was amazing!" exclaimed Nat into Jungkook's chest

Jungkook smiled while poking his inner cheek with his tongue.

"Jungkook," said Nat

"Mhmmm," muttered Jungkook

" I like you too... for a while now,"

Two days prior

Jungkook's confession replayed in Nat's mind while doing her assignments on her bed. She wanted to tell him that she like him too but a familiar fear gripped her tongue to utter those words. She promised to herself that she was not going to get into anything serious while studying here in South Korea. In all the hookups that she had, this was the first time she caught feelings towards her partner.

An incoming call notification from Tawyna, Nat's older sister appeared on Nat's phone.

" Hey sis, what's up?" answered Nat

"Nothing much, couldn't see and I wanted to check up on you"explained Tawyna

"How are you?" asked Tawyna

I'm fine, just doing some school assignments," replied Nat

"Oh, I saw Tyler at meeting last Sunday. He asked about you. He misses you," said Tawyna

"Oh, I hope he's doing well," said Nat

"He said that you haven't returned any of his calls. He just wanted to know how you're doing know," explained Tawnya

"You broke off the engagement, "blurted Nat

"Well yeah,"

"I'm doing fine," said Nat

"Nat, are you really doing fine?" questioned  Tawyna

"Really sis, I'm hopeful now."

Back to the present

"JK, why do you like?" inquired Nat. "Don't say because I give good head!"

"Cause you have a nice ass!" teased Jungkook

Nat slapped Jungkook on the chest

"Because you feel like home in such a short amount of time," smiled Jungkook

"Oh, Jungkook! So poetic," giggled Nat. " I'm surprised that you say that cause I'm still searching for a place called home,"

"What do you mean?" inquired Jungkook

Nat sighed. " There are things about me that might change your mind in what you just said."

Jungkook sat up in the bed and turned his body to face Nat. He gently laced his fingers in between Nat's. "I'm here and I want to know,"

Nat inhaled deeply. " Okay, I come from a very religious home, and because of their religion, they have high expectations for me especially because I'm a woman. My family is Jehovah's Witnesses Growing up, I always challenged those expectations. The tattoos on my ass and thighs were the first act of my rebel."

Jungkook chuckled and continue to give Nat his full attention.

"There was a guy from the hall that I grew up with named Tyler. We dated for a year, he was in love with me but I wasn't. My parents loves him because he was the ideal Christian man, so they thought. Anyway, we had sex and I ended up pregnant.  Dropped out of school and then Tyler proposed to me. I accepted. Everyone was happy except me. I didn't want to be a wife or a mother yet. I wanted to be free. It was my stupid decision that got me here," explained Nat looking down

"Not long into the pregnancy, I had a miscarriage. With that, I broke off the engagement and went back to school, graduated, and then applied for graduate school here. I wanted to be free and just do me. What I want, not what others want me to do," said Nat teary-eyed

Jungkook reached out and stroked Nat's cheek. Nat touched his hand and leaned more into it.

"Jungkook, I like to cause express the type of freedom that I long to have and experience. I can be free with you," sniffed Nat

"Oh god, I'm such a crybaby! I'm sorry," laughed Nat

"We don't have to rush into things. We can take our time. I want and hope that you can continue to be free with me, "encouraged Jungkook

"I want to be with you," smiled Jungkook as he pressed his lips onto Nat

Nat melted into the kiss more and more each second feeling the intensity of both each other souls pouring out into one another.

"This is not temporary any more."

Thanks For Reading!💜 I hope y'all are enjoying this story! Stay tuned for more.

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