Chapter 10 - "Hrs & Hrs"

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DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains talks of abuse. As well might contain a light smut. 

It was nighttime when Jungkook and Nat reached the guys' place. All members were out; some were at their parent's house and others were at their studio. Jungkook notified the guys about the current situation and approved of the idea. Nat took a seat on the couch while Jungkook went ahead and placed Nat's belongings in his room. 

Little was spoken in their car ride here. Nat disassociates for the most part. After sobbing and coming down from a panic attack for 45 minutes, Nat kept to herself. She hates herself for allowing Jungkook to see that side of her and the dysfunctionality of her family that she tried to run away from. She hated crying in front of people but at that moment, she could not hold back all the overwhelming emotions. The only person that Nat ever spoke to about the physical and verbal abuse that she experienced at home was the therapist that started seeing when she landed in Seoul. The years of the constant verbal and abuse that she endured from her parents, the years of being beaten into the image of a perfect Elder's daughter, the years of suppressing all negative emotions, shame, and guilt were but nightmares to Nat when she moved away which would have often however lessened when Jungkook started staying the night.

Jungkook walked into the living room witnessing his girlfriend still in a bit of a daze. He went over and kneeled down in front of her gently placing his hand on top of hers.

"Noona, are you hungry?" Jungkook asked 

Nat nodded with her head hung low. Jungkook took one of his hands and cupped his lover's cheek that was not bruised. Nat caressed his hand and smiled into his touch. Tears began to roll down her face into the palms of Jungkook.  Jungkook pulled Nat into his arm once again stroke the back of her head.

"I'm sorry," sobbed Nat

"Noona, it's okay," comforted Jungkook

"I thought I was free, I thought I was over this bullshit," cried Nat balling up her fist against Jungkook's chest

Nat's sobs grew louder and grew more into cries of anger than sadness.  She hated feeling like a helpless little child. She was no longer a child but a grown woman trying to do things that she ever dreamt of doing; studying abroad, learning how to tattoo, and meeting a person that she can be completely herself with. 

"I hate this! I hate them" 

After being exhausted from crying, Nat lay on Jungkook's bed. Jungkook entered the room with a cup of water and two tablets of Tylenol. Nat sat up and retrieve the items from Jungkook's hands. Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed. He watched Nat pop the two pills in her mouth and gulp down the cup of water. Once she was finished, Jungkook took the cup from her. Nat thanked him.

"Noona, I ordered some pizza and chicken wings," smiled Jungkook

Nat smiled and caressed Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungkook-ah, thanks for everything. You really didn't have to do a thing," 

Jungkook turned facing Nat. "Noona, I'm here for you," 

 Nat gazed deep into Jungkook's eyes. "Why."

Jungkook moved closer to his lover. His big brown doe shifted into a sharp intense stare. Nat leaned away from him however Jungkook hovered over Nat.

Jungkook signed. " Because I love you,"

Nat's mouth dropped open slightly. 

Jungkook smiled."Since the day that I met you, I wanted to love you and only you." 

Nat chuckled. " You have much too much of a big heart,"

" That's why I am capable of loving you, Natalie," Jungkook expressed

Before Nat could get a word in, Jungkook's lips sealed them shut. Nat wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his body closer to deepen the kiss. 

Nat gasped. "I'm not so easy to love,"

"I don't mind, I love a challenge," Jungkook pinned Nat's arms against the mattress. He brushed his lips against Nat's neck until he pressed on the spot that made her eyes fluttered. Before he continued his trail of kisses, he raised his head and unpinned Nat's arms.

"Did you want to continue or did you just want to cuddle tonight?"Jungkook asked

Nat smirked and yanked the top of Jungkook's sweatpants. "Finish what you started, baby boy."

Jungkook grinned and swiftly took off his black tee. Nat sat up underneath him and followed suit. Jungkook continued his favourite trail of kisses from the side of the neck to the sternum. His fingers and tongue gently grazed at the tips of Nat's breasts. Every touch and lick ushered Nat into the beginnings of her euphoria. Jungkook slid his fingertips down to her inner thighs waiting for permission to enter. Nat covered her mouth from moaning too louder. 

Jungkook lightly remove her hand from her mouth and glanced up. "No need for that."

Jungkook removed his fingers and introduced his tongue into the mix. Nat gasped at the new sensation of pressure. He hold up both Nat's legs and placed them over his shoulders. Nat felt her lower back lifting off the bed, her hand entangled into Jungkook's hair. It was not long until Jungkook tasted her release. He came up from his position and lick the rest of the remains off his lips. Before he could climb on top, Nat wrapped her legs around his torso and pushed Jungkook down on the other side.  

Nat grinned and crawled on top. " Okay, my turn."

Thanks For Reading! 💜

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