Chapter 11 - "Neither am I"

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Two weeks later

"Do you really have to go to school today?" Jungkook whined sitting up in bed

Nat kissed him on the lips. "Yes, love. I will be back maybe before you finish your rehearsals today."

"What time do you finish today?" Jungkook asked

Nat put on her black beanie and mask. " I think 6 but I might do some studying at the library."

"I send you a car to get back home," Jungkook said walking behind Nat

Nat turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sure, do you wanna watch a movie or play some games when I get home?"

Jungkook pulled Nat closer against his body. " Games and then." Jungkook pulled down Nat's mask and pressed his lips against Nat's. " More games."

"We will see," Nat smirked hitting Jungkook's chest

Nat picked up her black parka and backpack. "See you tonight," 

Jungkook nodded.

Before class, Nat picked up her phone and dialed an international number.  It was the number to the Kingdom Hall that Nat and her family went to back in Toronto. Her hand shook as she waited for someone to answer.

"Today is the day, No more running,"

6 pm 

 Nat pulled her coat hood over her head as she walked in the winter air from the campus building. She adjusted her mask over her mouth and nose and started making her way to the library. Before going up the steps to the library, someone was walking towards her. 

"Natalie," said Tyler

Nat looked up from her phone. "Tyler, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you of course," Tyler answered 

 Nat lifted one of her eyebrows. "How do you know I go to school here?" 

"Oh, I saw your timetable on your desk," Tyler said nervously

Nat crossed her arms. "What's up?"

"May I take you out for some coffee?" asked Tyler

"Sorry but no thanks. I need to get some studying done," said Nat turning to go up the stairs

Tyler inhaled deeply. "Why him!?"

Nat halted. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Natalie, why him?" Tyler repeated

Nat came back and stood in front of Tyler. She gave him an icy stare to persuade him to rethink what just came out of his mouth.

Nat inhaled. " Why not him, Tyler? If that's any of your business."

"He's not right for you," retorted Tyler

"And you are!"Nat exclaimed. " I know you were the one who told my parents where I live."

" Natalie, your parents miss you, your sister misses you, your friends and family at the hall miss you  and I miss you," explained Tyler

"Tyler! Can I for once live my life and be with who I want to be with?" Nat yelled

A few students glanced in Misha and Tyler's direction but continue going along their way.

Tyler sighed. "So you didn't want to be with me? We had a baby together! W-we're bout to be wed!"

"Tyler, that was the past. It's over now," Nat explained calmly

Nat turned and started walking up the steps to the library.

Tyler balled up his fist. " He's not even a witness!"

"Neither am I anymore!" shouted Nat

Tyler clenched his jaw trying to find something to say. He wanted Nat to take back what she just say and let it not be true.

"Tyler, you need to stop communicating with me from now on." Nat sighed

"But I love you, Natalie," exclaimed Tyler

Nat sighed and glanced back. "Goodbye, Tyler."

Nat prayed that Tyler would leave as soon as she entered the library. She went upstairs and went to the corner cubical that she often uses. She placed her backpack on the desk and took out her laptop, notebook, textbook, and pencil case swiftly. She took off her coat and opened up her textbook and laptop to begin her study session. She put on her wireless headphones to tune out the anxious thoughts running through her mind until she was ready to go home.

Thanks For Reading!💜

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