Author's Note

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After an End
2023 Version

Hello, Elixirs!

You might notice the changes in lines, dialogues, scenes, and even names. The adjustments made are for growth and peace. Nonetheless, it didn't affect the plot. I hope you'll have a better experience when you reread this!


I'm crying. Just kidding!

After an end has come to its end.

This is the last story for this series and I don't know but I'm a bit emotional. As a new writer, I told myself I just have to write one story. That was a simple goal of a young me, to write my own story. I still can't believe I successfully finished this series!

AAE was a challenge for me and I didn't regret I tried something new, but more than that, I hope you learned a lot from this story.

This story is dedicated to those who need to be strong members of the family, those who need to be responsible, and those who chose to sacrifice for the sake of his/her loved ones.

I also dedicate this story to the survivors of poverty, harassment, rape, and abuse. Let your voices be heard and know that you are worthy.

Just to clarify, I am not romanticizing rape in any way. The experience of Samm and Noah hopefully showed you the reality that it can happen both to men and women and most of them did not receive the justice they deserve for many reasons. To those who experienced/experienced this, please seek help. Don't be afraid to speak up, you deserve justice!

Bravery is beauty- Samm and to survive is braveness.

As I end this series, I wanted to tell the meaning behind the three stories.

Beneath the two taught us to believe no matter how small the chances are. A small seed still grows into a beautiful flower.

Beyond the horizon taught us to see, to look beyond. What we see is not everything. There's a lot more to see if only we can look at a different perspective. It taught us to see light at the end of the tunnel.

After an end wants you to know that everything began to end. There's nothing to be afraid of reaching the edge, because what comes after it is the birth of another road for you to take.

And as I end this series (the year is also ending. Lol) Let's look back at our growth. We might have a lot of regrets this year, unintentional mistakes, and wrong decisions, but what happened already happened. Let's all move forward to the birth of new chances and opportunities.

Let's see each other next year with a new story.

Thank you for a year full of learning and love. See you in 2022!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Academy Boys and Girls!

-Leigh, Zach, Prim, Idris, Samm, Noah.

Love, Maii.

Thoughts from Maii after editing AAE: (You might want to read)

Ah! This story is heavy that I didn't like the other chapters I wrote. Same with BTH, if this story does not exist yet, I won't write it the same way. The main plot was second-chance relationship. Though I really wanna showed how damaging everything that she went through is and how most victims did not get justice, I wished I'd written it lighter and better!

I also thought of raising awareness when I wrote this. There are people who felt found, who gained power from Samm and Noah. They earned inspiration to start again after all the ends. I don't hate this story a 100%. I don't love it 100%. I guess, we are really our own critic. I love some parts of it. I hate the others.

Katulad din ng sinabi ko sa BTH, mag-iiba ang perspective mo kapag binalikan mo ang gawa mo sa ibang panahon. I apologize for my shortcomings. I know better. I will know better.

I suggest you do not recommend it to those who cannot get into flawed plots and characters. Thank you!

-Maii 2022-2023

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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