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Welcome to
After an End
2023 Version

To my new readers who will read this for the first time and to my old readers who will reread this, this story is edited. Here are what you should expect:

1. Some of your old comments might not be visible once it's edited.
2. Additional/Deleted lines and scenes.
3. Minor changes in dialogues.
4. Minor changes in scenes.
5. Deleted minor parts.
6. Changed names of some side characters.

Important note before you read this story and the rest of the series: THE STORIES ARE FLAWED AND SO THE CHARACTERS. After a long while, I've seen my stories from a different perspective. There are parts I wished I didn't write—parts I wished I'd written better. Likewise, I thought I could've made better characters. I'm apologizing on their behalf. Reconstructing them now the way I want them to be would mean murdering them and the stories. I couldn't edit much of my previous works. But I can use the learnings I gain to know what and what's not to write today and in the future. I will forever be growing, and I'm hoping for your patience as I do the work on myself as a writer.

They might turn out to be not your cup of tea. And it's okay! You gave them a chance. I'm grateful enough for that.

PS. This story may contain sensitive chapters that can be triggering for some people.


Twitter: ov3rtin_kerWP
Fb: Maii Sadesa

Thank you. <3

After an End | Academy Series #3Where stories live. Discover now